TPO 16
new guidelines were adopted,improved … in all three areas体现了听力的反驳策略,接下来指出new guideline中具体如何解决之前阅读提到的三个问题。这篇开头比较意外,因为new guideline的存在是我们没法预期的,所以是需要记下来的。
First,准备听construction对考古的影响。before any construction project can start,must be examined这几个词已经表明new guidelines的应对策略了,那就是开工之前,必须先让专家考察考古价值。那我们自然会知道,接下来会说一旦有价值,怎么避免工程带来损害。If…of archaeological interest…make a plan for preserving,是废话。either by building around them or by excavating and documenting in them properly具体指出了两种preserve的方式。before the construction…proceed,这是预料之中的。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:新规则要求建筑开工之前必须先examine工地,如果发现有考古价值,则大家会制定保护方案,要么是build around,要么是挖掘并标注,然后才能开工。这就避免了artifacts loss。
Second,准备听资金不足的解决方案。work…paid for by the construction company not by the government表明了资金的来源,原来工地上各种考古工作还得施工公司掏钱,好惨。initial examination… all the work…under the preservation plan具体体现了要掏哪些钱,基本上就是全部步骤都要掏钱。new source of financial support是废话,不用记录。allowed…a far great range of…sites体现了这个措施的结果,就是现在比以前研究范围大多了。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:新规则要求之前提到的工程中的一切工作(从开始的examination到后来preserving过程)中的花费都由工程公司来支付,这就有了新的资金来源,导致现在考古学家研究的对象反而更丰富了。
Last,准备听就业岗位。a lot of paid work,问题解决了,新规则提供了大量新岗位。that didn't exist before,是废话。archaeologists…hired in all stages of the process,这是必然的。to examine… then…draw the preservation plan to do research in scientific manner, finally process the data and write articles,把整个过程都展开了。increased the number of professional archaeologists in Britain,这是必然的,不用记录;highest than it's ever been,只是为job增多提供了具体证据。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:新规则下创造了很多岗位,因为刚才所谈到的所有过程都需要专业人员参与,从一开始的examine,到后来的draw the preservation plan,到后来的研究,到最后的数据处理和写报告、文章。于是,现在考古学家数量达到了英国历史新高。
The reading expresses three concerns regarding the status of archaeology in Britain. However,the lecturer claims that the new guidelines have successfully dealt with all three issues.
For starters, the lecturer believes that the new guidelines can reduce the potential damage and loss of artifacts caused by construction work. Specifically, the guidelines require that no construction work should start unless its archaeological value is examined beforehand. If a site is of archaeological interest, then a preservation plan should be drawn. Before construction proceeds, the company would either build around the site, or artifacts should be excavated and documented properly.
Second, the lecturer argues that the new guidelines also offer a remedy to the lack of funding. The guidelines require that all aforementioned work, the examination and everything related to the preservation process, be paid for by the construction company. As a result, the new source of funding has allowed archeologists to research on a wider range of topics than before.
Last, the lecturer also believes that the new guidelines have addressed the issue of job shortage. According to the new rule, every stage of the aforementioned process, the initial examination, the latter preservation, the research afterwards, and the final data processing and report writing, would all call for expert advice. As it turns out, today the number of professional archaeologists is higher than ever in Britain.