TPO 15
unsuccessful,cause…damage都体现了作者对这些方案的否定。不过这里已经暗示了,接下来的否定策略要么是该方法不能stop CT,要么是该方法有副作用。
First of all,准备听fence。won't stop…toad,表明策略是否定方案有效性。young toads and toad eggs are found in rivers and streams,她想说什么?值得我们继续倾听。rivers or streams flowing from one side to the other (side of the fence),这时应该已经听明白为什么无效了,因为fence能挡住成年CT,但挡不住幼体。carry…to the other side是废话。Since it's only necessary for a few…to get…in order to establish population on the other side,这个道理我们都懂,不用记录,the fence is unlikely to be effective自然更是废话。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:fence无效,因为fence挡不住水流中的young toads和toads eggs从一边流到另一边,所以只要有一些过去了,CT还是会spread。
Secondly,准备听人工捕杀CT。could have success in trapping and destroying toads体现了作者的让步,认为这种方法也许是有效的。But…these untrained volunteers would inadvertently destroy many of Australia's native frogs,体现了反驳策略是指出该方案的副作用,会意外捕杀当地的frogs。Some of which are endangered表明这个副作用还挺严重,使濒危动物受到威胁。not always easy to tell the CT apart from native frogs,指出了为什么会有这个副作用;especially when it's young只是补充说明在什么时候最难区分。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:volunteer也许确实可以大规模捕杀CT,可是volunteer是没有受过专业训练的,他们很可能无法区分CT与本地frog,造成意外捕杀很多濒危的frog。
…virus isa bad idea…terrible consequences for CT in their original habitat in Central and South America体现了反驳策略是指出副作用,具体是对CT的原生地产生不良影响。You might be wondering how a virus…in Australia cause harm in the Americas这句话是废话,只是暗示下文要具体展开为什么会有这种副作用。Australian reptiles and amphibians are often transported to other continents,感觉要联系澳大利亚与拉丁美洲了。“Once the animals infected by the virus reach Central and South America,the virus will attack the native CT and devastate their populations.”这很容易理解,病毒跟着动物去了拉丁美洲,自然就会攻击当地物种。ecological disaster because in the Americas CT are a native species and a vital… 这是对前面的补充说明,把当地生物链破坏了。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:使用virus会对CT原生地(即中南美洲)的CT造成灾难性影响,而在那里CT是很重要的。因为,很多澳洲的reptiles和amphibians会被人为迁移到美洲,而一旦携带病毒的物种被带过去,病毒就会攻击当地的CT。
The article mentions three measures to stop the spread of cane toads in Australia.However,all three measures are dismissed by the lecturer.
For starters,the lecturer does not believe that building a national fence would effectively reduce the spread of cane toads,because a fence would not be able to stop rivers and streams from carrying young toads or toad eggs from one side of the fence to the other. Consequently,as long as some getthrough,the spread would continue.
Second,while she concedes that volunteers might effectively kill toads ,she claims that these untrained people might inadvertently kill native Australian frogs,many of which are endangered.The reason is that the toads and the local frogs are difficult to distinguish especially when they are young.
Last,she believes thatusing a virus will engender disastrous consequences on cane toads in their original habitat,Central and South America.The reason is that amphibians and reptiles are often transported from Australia to the Americas by people.The chances are,if some infected by the virus reach the Americas,the virus would start attacking local toads and destroy their population.It would be catastrophic because the toads are native to the Americas and are a vital part of the local ecosystem.