第181章 高温不仅炙烤着身体,也炙烤着心灵
Heat Singes the Mind, Not Just the Body
By Apoorva Mandavilli
If you find that the blistering, unrelenting heat is making you anxious and irritable, even depressed, it's not all in your head.
As heat waves become more intense, more frequent and longer, it has become increasingly important to address the impact on mental health, scientists say.
“It's really only been over the past five years that there's been a real recognition of the impact,“ said Dr. Joshua Wortzel, chair of the American Psychiatric Association's committee on climate change and mental health, which was set up just two years ago.
“人们真正意识到这种影响,其实也就是过去五年的事。”约书亚·沃策尔(Joshua Wortzel)博士说。他是美国精神医学会“气候变化与心理健康”委员会主席,这个委员会也是两年前才成立的。
High temperatures are strongly associated with an increase in suicides, researchers have found. Heat has been linked to a rise in violent crime and aggression, emergency room visits and hospitalizations for mental disorders such as anxiety, schizophrenia and depression.
Some of these illnesses may have a simple origin: disrupted sleep.
Scientists have coined the term “climate distress“ to describe a multitude of feelings triggered by the environmental changes appearing around us: anxiety, terror, sadness, shame, guilt.
“It is unfortunately true that this may be the coolest summer for the rest of our lives, which is unsettling to reckon with,“ said Britt Wray, the director of Stanford University's program on climate change and mental health.
“一个很不幸的事实是,这个夏天可能是我们余生中最凉快的一个夏天,面对这一事实令人不安。”斯坦福大学“气候变化与心理健康”项目负责人布利特·瑞(Britt Wray)说道。