Grome Terrain Modeling with Ogre3D,UDK,and Unity3D

About the Reviewers

Adrian Licuriceanu started programming from an early age. Later, in both high school and college, he studied computer science and from the very beginning was fascinated with graphics programming. After graduating from college, in 2000, when a funding opportunity arrived, he founded Quad Software with the aim of creating technology for Massively Multiplayer Games. During the 5 years that he was the lead programmer he developed two engines used for MMO games. Later, he built on the previous experience to create Grome, a game-level editor currently employed by many professional studios. After two years of internal development, together with a small team of programmers, they managed to bring Grome to commercial quality and successfully launched the product in 2007. Currently, Grome is at its third version and it is used by many top professional game studios, simulation industry corporations, and universities. After another two years from the initial Grome launch, Adrian and his team made public the Graphite engine, the rendering middleware companion to Grome, an engine that can be used to render the complex scenes Grome can produce.

Stefano Provenzano is an Italian senior consultant and software engineer, who has worked on several projects in different fields of computer science including 3D real-time engines for PC and Playstation videogames, visual simulation and virtual prototyping, web application, and system integration.

In 2006, Stefano started his own software development and consulting company, Shin Software. Currently, Stefano is working on RIA and hi-quality mobile/web 3D real-time applications using Unity3D.