Python Programming with Raspberry Pi

The formatted string output

Let's revisit the example discussed in the previous section. We printed the result as follows:

    print("The sum is %d" % total)

In Python, it is possible to format a string to display the result. In the earlier example, we make use of %d to indicate that it is a placeholder for an integer variable. This enables printing the string with the integer. Along with the string that is passed an argument to the print() function, the variable that needs to be printed is also passed an argument. In the earlier example, the variables are passed using the % operator. It is also possible to pass multiple variables:

    print("The sum of %d and %d is %d" % (var1, var2, total))

It is also possible to format a string as follows:

    print("The sum of 3 and 2 is {total}".format(total=5))