As organizations have evolved over the last 40 to 50 years, they have slowly but steadily found ways and means to improve their operations by adding IT/software systems across their operating areas. It would not be surprising today to see more than 250+ applications in each of our Fortune 200 companies. This has also slowly caused another creeping problem as we evolve from our level of maturity to another; silos of systems that don’t interface well to each other.
As enterprises move from local optimization to enterprise optimization they have been leveraging some of the emerging technologies like Big Data systems to find ways and means by which they could bring data together from their disparate IT systems and fuse them together to find better means of driving efficiency and effectiveness improvement that could go a long way in helping enterprises save money.
Tomcy and Pankaj, with their vast experience in different functional and technical domains, have been working on finding better ways to fuse information from variety of applications within the organization. They have lived through the challenging journey of finding a ways to bring out changes (technological & cultural).
This book has been put together from the perspective of software engineers, architects and managers; so it’s very practical in nature as both of them have lived through various enterprise grade implementation that adds value to the enterprise.
Using future proof patterns and contemporary technology concepts like Data Lake help enterprises prepare themselves well for the future, but even more given them the ability to look across data that they have across different organizational silos and derive wisdom that’s typically lost in the blind spots.
Thomas Benjamin
CTO, GE Aviation Digital.