During preparation, raw data is made ready for exploration. This preparation is often a very interesting process. It is very frequently the case that data from is fraught with all kinds of issues related to quality. You will likely spend a lot of time dealing with these quality issues, and often this is a very non-trivial amount of time.
Why? Well there are a number of reasons:
- The data is simply incorrect
- Parts of the dataset are missing
- Data is not represented using measurements appropriate for your analysis
- The data is in formats not convenient for your analysis
- Data is at a level of detail not appropriate for your analysis
- Not all the fields you need are available from a single source
- The representation of data differs depending upon the provider
The preparation process focuses on solving these issues. pandas provides many great facilities for preparing data, often referred to as tidying up data. These facilities include intelligent means of handling missing data, converting data types, using format conversion, changing frequencies of measurements, joining data from multiple sets of data, mapping/converting symbols into shared representations, and grouping data, among many others. We will cover all of these in depth.