The aftermath
It was a long night at the Baysoft Training Inc. corporate office. How did this happen? Could this have been avoided? Why were the application and system not able to handle the load? Why weren't adequate performance and stress tests conducted on the system and application? Was it an application problem, a system resource issue, or a combination of both? All these were questions that the management demanded answers to from the group of engineers, which comprised software developers, network and system engineers, Quality Assurance (QA) testers, and database administrators gathered in the meeting room. There sure was a lot of finger-pointing and blame going around the room. After a little brainstorming, it wasn't long before the group had to decide what needed to be done. The application and its system resources needed to undergo extensive and rigorous testing. This included all facets of the application and all supporting system resources, including, but not limited to, infrastructure, network, database, servers, and load balancers. Such a test would help all involved parties to discover exactly where the bottlenecks were and address them accordingly.