Build social density
Social density is the number of interactions that are likely to happen between agents within a given space. Enterprises should put enablers in place to encourage social density between people, giving special attention to social density between the people whose interactions are more critical for the business.
Attention given to ensuring adequate social density is particularly important when change is recently introduced and agents are still getting used to being in a common space, which they did not share before the change, for example, DevOps bringing together the development and operations teams, which prior to the change had a "wall" between them. A concrete measure to increase social density for these agents can be to include operations in project inception and release meetings, thereby engaging them right from the beginning of the delivery cycle.
In case the social density appears to be low, the underlying cause needs to be fixed, for example, if team members are always overloaded with work, and are frequently multitasking, the conditions are not right for them to have meaningful interactions. Communities of Practices (CoPs) are a highly effective way of enabling social density. The Spotify model [xvi] (Squads, Tribes, and so on) is a popular model for establishing CoPs.