Determining the role of storage providers in vSAN
A vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA) provider, or a storage provider, enables communication between the vSphere stack and the storage system, providing awareness of specific storage capabilities and functions.
The vSAN storage provider reports a set of underlying storage capabilities to vCenter and reports the storage requirements of the VMs.
VMware vSAN configures and registers a storage provider for each host in the vSAN cluster, but only one host's storage provider is active. The others storage providers that belong to other hosts are on standby. Of course, if the active storage provider fails (for a host failure), another host will bring its provider online as an active instance.
To verify that the vSAN storage provider is properly registered, use the vSphere Web Client and select the vCenter Server (the root of the inventories). On the Configure tab, click Storage Providers.
For more information, see the administering VMware vSAN guide (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.5/com.vmware.vsphere.virtualsan.doc/GUID-CE1FB67B-CB88-4AAC-9668-7A406CA443AA.html).