Kitura, a Swift server-side framework from IBM that is Apache 2.0 licensed, is the result of the enterprise partnership between IBM and Apple, announced in 2014. It goes without saying that the framework has a strong backing from IBM. Kitura is well integrated into IBM's cloud product offerings, including Watson and IBM Cloud. It offers native connectors for some Watson API services, and it is easy to deploy a Kitura project to Bluemix hosting platforms using Kitura CLI. On IBM's website, there are also plenty of educational resources and support for Kitura.
The Kitura framework was migrated to support Swift 4.0 in the Kitura 2.0 that was released in October 2017. In Kitura 2.5, released in August 2018, the framework also added the support of SwiftNIO (enabled using env KITURA_NIO=1 swift build). The development of Kitura follows closely with the evolution of Swift itself.
For many Swift server-side developers, Kitura is an ideal framework choice for tapping into IBM's extensive cloud technology ecosystem and developing with enterprise applications in mind.