Null safety issue
Accessing a member variable of a null reference will result in a null reference exception. In Java, this is NullPointerException. Java allows us to assign a null value to any variable that we declare, but when we try to use an object reference that has a null value, it throws NullPointerException. This is a common problem to do with programming languages. The language allows us to assign a null reference to a member variable, while also allowing us to access that variable without checking whether it is initialized. It would be preferable if the compiler reports such issues. This is exactly what Kotlin compiler does for us.
In Kotlin, all the types are non-nullable by default. If we try to assign or return a null in the code, it fails to compile. The compiler differentiates between nullable references and non-null references, and the language provides an elegant syntax for null checks. This makes it almost impossible to encounter NPEs in Kotlin. In fact, if we do encounter an NPE, it is likely to be because we explicitly asked Kotlin to throw one, or because the NPE originates from external Java code.