Claiming the asset
When an asset is transferred and transmitted with the information required in the transaction, the blockchain network will ensure that it is included in the blockchain after validating the transaction and the block in which it was included. When the transaction is included in the blockchain, everyone will be able to see this transaction, but only the owner to whom it was addressed will be able to claim the asset:

The level of security provided by the asymmetric key cryptography used in the digital signature will make sure that only the node that owns the private key corresponding to the public address will be able to claim the asset that was transferred to that address.
The preceding Figure 3.5 shows that when Bob's node recognizes that a transaction has taken place in which an asset has been transferred to his address, he tries to verify the transaction with the public information provided in the transaction. Once he verifies that Alice has created a valid transaction, he can perform any action on the asset by providing his private key and thus proving that the asset belongs to him. This is how digital signatures ensure that an asset can easily be transferred by creating transactions, and the blockchain ensures the distribution of the transaction throughout the decentralized network.