Types of AI
There are several forms of AI, each conceived to solve different problems. AI can be categorized and classified by various different criteria, including the theoretical approach used to design it and the application domain for which it is intended to be used.
Efforts at categorization were directly influenced by some parameters such as the ability to learn a particular task without supervision, obtaining cognitive abilities, and the ability to perform reasoning similar to humans. Based on these and a complex set of expectations, we will look into the three basic types of AI.
Weak AI
Also generally known as narrow AI, weak AI can be used to execute narrow and repetitive tasks. Weak AI functions are based on a preexisting combination of logic and data. User inputs are processed based on the same logic, and hence, weak AI lacks self-consciousness and aggressive learning abilities. Some prominent examples of weak AI implementations are voice assistants, chatbots, and linguistic expert systems. Due to the narrow implementation of logic, weak AI is suitable for scenarios where the user’s inputs and expected outputs are well defined.
Chatbots receive textual inputs from a user and process the input data to identify the information required to convert the textual input into some form of action. Chatbots are generally applied in the areas of e-commerce and support where human intervention may not be necessary all the time. In the case of online shopping, the presence of a chatbot provides a personal touch to the user and provides the user with a traditional way of communicating with the system instead of conventional searching. Similarly, in the case of support, the application of chatbots can reduce the per capita cost of maintaining a support team for a product. It is also important to realize that newer generations of users are more prone to communicating via messaging over conventional phone calls. Chatbots can leverage this cultural shift and also reduce the potential friction involved in the support process.
Strong AI
Also generally known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), strong AI can be used to apply aggressive learning abilities to solve problems with multivariate range. Strong AIs are capable of perception, being conscious of the given problems and aided by its cognitive abilities. Strong AI has been one of the more prominent fields of research due to its potential ability in cutting down operational costs in existing processes, as well as exploring applications in uncharted territories.
Due to the capabilities of strong AI to reason and make optimal judgments, applications of strong AI can be observed in the business landscape. Expert systems, machine learning, and deep learning techniques are some of the most renowned manifestations of strong AI. These manifestations are commonly used by businesses due to their ability to predict and reason based on given data points.
Some other examples of strong AI applied across various industries include Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and Reinforcement Learning (RL).
For example, NLP can be used to adapt a system according to the user’s mood and help the system to communicate with the user more effectively compared to weak AI implementations. Similarly, strong AI can also be applied for efficient language translation with greater accuracy in the conversion between languages.
Super AI
Super AI, or Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI), is the hypothetical ability of a computer to surpass the consciousness of the human mind. It is speculated by many experts that an AI may achieve this stage after reaching the singularity. It is also widely believed that super AI would ultimately lead to the technological dominance of computers over human thinking. Although super AIs are nonexistent, there are a handful of institutions and organizations preparing for the leap from AGI to super AI, with extraordinary focus on genetic engineering, artificial digital neurons, and quantum computing. The application of super AI is surprisingly unclear at the moment, as few can comprehend what could be achieved after the singularity. However, a few primitive variants of super AI are expected to help in exploring space, creating new languages, and predicting unintended consequences in war.
With the preceding understanding of weak AI, strong AI, and super AI on a theoretical basis, let's now examine how AI is manifested practically in various forms.