Learning and adapting to new circumstances is a crucial process for humans and, in general, for all animals. Usually, learning is intended as a process of trial and error through which we improve our performance in particular tasks. Our life is a continuous learning process, that is, we start from simple goals (for example, walking), and we end up pursuing difficult and complex tasks (for example, playing a sport). As humans, we are always driven by our reward mechanism, which awards good behaviors and punishes bad ones.
Reinforcement Learning (RL), inspired by the human learning process, is a subfield of machine learning and deals with learning from interaction. With the term "interaction," we mean the process of trial and error through which we, as humans, understand the consequences of our actions and build up our own experiences.
RL, in particular, considers sequential decision-making problems. These are problems in which an agent has to take a sequence of decisions, that is, actions, to maximize a certain performance measure.
RL considers tasks to be Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), which are problems arising in many real-world scenarios. In this setting, the decision-maker, referred to as the agent, has to make decisions accounting for environmental uncertainty and experience. Agents are goal-directed; they need only a notion of a goal, such as a numerical signal, to be maximized. Unlike supervised learning, in RL, there is no need to provide good examples; it is the agent who learns how to map situations to actions. The mapping from situations (states) to actions is called "policy" in literature, and it represents the agent's behavior or strategy. Solving an MDP means finding the agent's policy by maximizing the desired outcome (that is, the total reward). We will study MDPs in more detail in future chapters.
RL has been successfully applied to various kinds of problems and domains, showing exciting results. This chapter is an introduction to RL. It aims to explain some applications and describe concepts both from an intuitive perspective and from a mathematical point of view. Both of these aspects are very important when learning new disciplines. Without intuitive understanding, it is impossible to make sense of formulas and algorithms; without mathematical background, it is tough to implement existing or new algorithms.
In this chapter, we will first compare the three main machine learning paradigms, namely supervised learning, RL, and unsupervised learning. We will discuss their differences and similarities and define some example problems.
Second, we will move on to a section that contains the theory of RL and its notations. We will learn about concepts such as what an agent is, what an environment is, and how to parameterize different policies. This section represents the fundamentals of this discipline.
Third, we will begin using two RL frameworks, namely Gym and Baselines. We will learn that interacting with a Gym environment is extremely simple, as is learning a task using Baselines algorithms.
Finally, we will explore some RL applications to motivate you to study this discipline, showing various techniques that can be used to face real-world problems. RL is not bound to the academic world. However, it is still crucial from an industrial point of view, allowing you to solve problems that are almost impossible to solve using other techniques.