Part I Major Activities
The 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,the 2nd China International Import Expo and the celebration of the 70th Anniver-sary of the Founding of the P.R.C.were held successfully in 2019.These grand events marked the year 2019 as a new starting point for China's rejuvenation and economic development.
On May 14th,2017,President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the 1st Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,emphasizing that to drive the BRI forward,“think tanks should play a better role and efforts should be made to establish think tank networks and partnerships.”[1]Over the past five years,RDI has followed and practiced the BRI and adhered to the“Problem-oriented,Demand-guided,Project-focused and Result-based”principle.It has carried out research on the relationship between the new globalization,BRI and the 4th Indu-strial Revolution,provided feasible solutions to the core issues,extensively organized relevant industrial groups,enterprise groups,and technology groups,and made fundamental efforts to promote the great changes of the times.Through discovering,cultivating and promoting enterprises,it has promoted the development and transformation of the new globalization.
In 2019,RDI constructively offered advice to the CPC and the government,provided intellectual support to local governments and enterprises in B&R construction,economic transformation,innovation and development,actively promoted the exchanges between domestic enterprises and the B&R countries,and made outstanding achievements in construction of the think tank network,international network and enterprise network.RDI has vigorously participated in and organized many high-end forums and conferences at home and abroad,including the 4th Aviation Silk Road International Conference,CPEC Forum 2019,Eurasian Media Forum,the 6th High-level Symposium of Think Tanks of“17+1”China and Central and Eastern European Countries,Euro-China Green and Smart City Summit and China-Kazakhstan Jointly Building B&R International High-level Seminar.RDI has also actively organized visits to different countries for field studies,promoted international network connectivity in Central Asia,South Asia,Central and Eastern Europe,the EU and other regions,and contributed to the cooperation and connection between the B&R countries and major domestic cities.Additionally,RDI has promoted the technolo-gical innovation enterprises leading the 4th Industrial Revolution in the international stage,injecting new scientific and technological vitality into the B&R construction and enhancing people-to-people bonds.For its outstanding achievements,RDI was granted“Hilal-i-imtiaz”Civil Award by the Pakistan Government in 2019 and the“2019 Brand Activity Award”by the Council of BRI Think Tank Cooperation Alliance of the International Department of the CCCPC.
With rich fruit harvested in 2019,RDI is determined to scale the new heights in 2020.It will give full play to its resource integration capability as an application-oriented think tank,and collect ideas and strength for the steady progress of the BRI.
[1] From President Xi's speech at the 1st Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on May 14th,2017,http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-05/14/c_136282982.htm.