What this book covers
This book is an introduction to the Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB). This is an introductory, hands-on book so we will be including in this book the features available in Oracle Warehouse Builder 11gR2 that we will need to build our first data warehouse.
The chapters are in chronological order to flow through the steps required to build a data warehouse with a couple of chapters at the end on special topics, including one devoted to a major new feature of OWB 11gR2, code templates. So if you are building your first data warehouse, it is a good idea to read through each chapter sequentially to gain maximum benefit from the book. Those who have already built a data warehouse and just need a refresher on some basics can skip around to whatever topic they need at that moment.
We'll use a fictional toy company, ACME Toys and Gizmos, to illustrate the concepts that will be presented throughout the book. This will provide some context to the information presented to help you apply the concepts to your own organization. We'll actually be constructing a simple data warehouse for the ACME Toys and Gizmos company. At the end of the book, we'll have all the code, scripts, and saved metadata that was used. So we can build a data warehouse for practice, or use it as a model for building another data warehouse.
Chapter 1, An Introduction to Oracle Warehouse Builder, starts off with a high-level look at the architecture of OWB and the steps for installing it. It covers the schemas created in the database that are required by OWB, and touches upon some installation topics to provide some further clarification that is not necessarily found in the Oracle documentation. Most installation tasks can be found in the Oracle README files and installation documents, and so they won't be covered in depth in this book.
Chapter 2, Defining and Importing Source Data Structures, covers the initial task of building a data warehouse from scratch, that is, determining what the source of the data will be. OWB needs to know the details about what the source data structures look like and where they are located in order to properly pull data from them using OWB. This chapter also covers how to define the source data structures using the Data Object Editor and how to import source structure information. It talks about three common sources of data—flat files, Oracle Databases, and Microsoft SQL Server databases—while discussing how to configure Oracle and OWB to connect to these sources.
Chapter 3, Designing the Target Structure, explains designing the data warehouse target. It covers some options for defining a data warehouse target structure using relational objects (star schemas and snowflake schemas) and dimensional objects (cubes and dimensions). Some of the pros and cons of the usage of these objects are also covered. It introduces the Warehouse Builder for design and starts with the creation of a target user and module.
Chapter 4, Creating the Target Structure in OWB, implements the design of the target using the Warehouse Builder. It has step-by-step explanations for creating cubes and dimensions using the wizards provided by OWB.
Chapter 5, Extract, Transform, and Load Basics, introduces the ETL process by explaining what it is and how to implement it in OWB. It discusses whether to use a staging table or not, and describes mappings and some of the main operators in OWB that can be used in mappings. It introduces the Warehouse Builder Mapping Editor, which is the interface for designing mappings.
Chapter 6, ETL: Putting it Together, is about creating a new mapping using the Mapping Editor. A staging table is created with the Data Object Editor, and a mapping is created to map data directly from the source tables into the staging table. This chapter explains how to add and edit operators, and how to connect them together. It also discusses operator properties and how to modify them.
Chapter 7, ETL: Transformations and Other Operators, expands on the concept of building a mapping by creating additional mappings to map data from the staging table into cube and dimensions. Additional operators are introduced for doing transformations of the data as it is loaded from source to target.
Chapter 8, Validating, Generating, Deploying, and Executing Objects, covers in great detail the validation of mappings, the generation of the code for mappings and objects, and deploying the code to the target database. This chapter introduces the Control Center Service, which is the interface with the target database for controlling this process, and explains how to start and stop it. The mappings are then executed to actually load data from source to target. It also introduces the Control Center Manager, which is the user interface for interacting with the Control Center Service for deploying and executing objects.
Chapter 9, Extra Features, covers some extra features provided in the Warehouse Builder that can be very useful for more advanced implementations as mappings get more numerous and complex. The metadata change-management features of OWB are discussed for controlling changes to mappings and objects. This includes the recycle bin, cutting/copying and pasting objects to make copies or backups, the snapshot feature, and the metadata loader facility for exporting metadata to a file. Keeping objects synchronized as changes are made is discussed, and so is the auto-binding of tables to dimensional objects. Lastly, some additional online references are provided for further study and reference.
Chapter 10, Code Template Mappings, covers a major new feature of the 11gR2 release of OWB—code templates, which are the knowledge module functionality brought over into OWB from Oracle Data Integrator. It includes detailed descriptions of implementing a JDBC connection to an external database and the implementation of a code template mapping to access it. It includes discussion of the main code templates provided by default with OWB 11gR2 and describes everything you need to know to implement your first code template mapping.