Chapter 1. An Introduction to Oracle Warehouse Builder
The Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) is what this book is all about, so let's start discussing it by looking at it from a high level. We'll talk about some installation topics and the various components that compose this application. Oracle provides some detailed installation documentation and user guides that give you step-by-step instructions on how to install the product and the prerequisites we need to have in place. So we will focus more on some general topics that will help us understand the installation better. We'll walk through a basic installation that can be followed along and actually performed while reading. We'll be accepting most of the defaults during the installation for simplicity. For more advanced installation requirements, dig into the Oracle installation documentation to get familiar with the options that are available. You can find this at http://www.oracle.com/pls/db112/homepage by clicking on the Installing and Upgrading link in the left hand frame.
In this chapter we're going to cover the following specific topics:
- Introduction to data warehousing and where OWB fits in
- Installing Oracle database software and OWB
- Installing the database software
- Configuring the Listener
- Creating the database
- OWB Components and Architecture
- Configuring the repository and workspaces