5.6 Water Control in Mine Surface
5.6.1 For middle and small river diversion,flood interception channel,and other water control projects,the flood peak discharge calculation shall be determined in terms of the measured data from local hydrological station.In case the measured data is unavailable,the following methods may be used for calculation:
1 Flood survey method.
2 Regional empirical formula method.
3 Simplication method formula from Highway science research institute.
4 Simplification inference formula.
5.6.2 Large and middle scale surface water flood control projects such as river diversion and flood control reservoir shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the present GB 50201 Flood Control Standard.
5.6.3 Design standard of water interception(drainage)channel shall be determined as per the scale,service life etc.of mine.Design standard of metal mine flood control shall meet the requirements specified in Table 5.6.3.
Table 5.6.3 Design standard of metal mine flood control
Note:1 Frequency in the table is the usual design standard of metallurgical mine.The frequency in the design may be determined as per enterprise nature and damage degree caused by accident.
2 Flood control elevation shall be higher than or equal to verification water level,however,bankside protection shall be subject to the design water level.