Part Ⅳ Maintenance and Repair
Automobile Maintenance Tools
1. Look at the pictures of maintenance tools and match them with their English versions.

a. Hammer
b. Diagnostic tester
c. Pliers
d. Screwdriver set
e. Kinds of wrenches
f. Dial gauge
g. Tire pressure gauge
h. Files
i. Micrometer
j. Thickness gauge
Useful Words
maintenance [ˈmeintənəns] n.维修,保养
gauge [ɡeidʒ] n.仪表
diagnostic [ˌdaiəɡˈnɔstik] n.诊断
plier [ˈplaiə] n.钳子,尖嘴钳
screwdriver [ˈskruːˌdraivə] n.螺丝刀
hammer [ˈhæmə] n.锤子
file [fail] n.锉刀
micrometer [maiˈkrɔmitə] n.千分尺,测微计
Phrases and Expressions
auto maintenance 汽车保养
kinds of wrenches 各种扳手
Proper Nouns
tire pressure gauge 轮胎压力表
diagnostic tester 诊断测试仪
long nose pliers 尖嘴钳
screwdriver set 一套螺丝刀
thickness gauge 厚薄规,测厚仪
dial gauge 百分表
2. Read the following passage and do the exercises.
Basic Automobile Maintenance Items

Task one 译文
Many people consider automobile maintenance a necessary evil. There are several things you can do to improve your car's performance and to protect your investment and save some money. Like children, each car has different needs that the owner should consider. Automobile maintenance should be a top priority for any car owner.

Auto maintenance items
Here are some basic maintenance items and intervals.
· Engine oil: every 3,000 miles or 3 months, unless you use Mobil One, in which case 6,000 miles or 6 months.
· Fuel filter: 35,000- 40,000 miles.
· Air filter and AC air filter: as needed.
· Spark plugs: conventional plugs, 30,000 miles; double platinum, 50,000 miles.
· Coolant flush: 2 years/24,000 miles.
· Brake fluid flush and power steering fluid flush: 2 years or when dirty or discolored.
· Fuel injection system service: 40,000 miles.
· Tire rotation: 5,000- 8,000 miles.
· Wheel alignment: 15,000- 20,000 miles.

1. Answer the following questions according to the passage.
(1)Why should automobile maintenance be a top priority for any car owner?
(2)What maintenance items are mentioned in the passage?
(3)Can you name some other maintenance items?
2. Match the following expressions with their Chinese versions.
(1)automobile performance
(2)maintenance interval
(3)fuel filter
(4)brake fluid
(5)tire rotation
(6)wheel alignment
Useful Words
priority [praiˈɔrəti] n.优先考虑的事
interval [ˈintəvəl] n.间隔;间歇
platinum [ˈplætinəm] n.铂,白金
flush [flʌʃ] v.冲洗,清洗
throttle [ˈθrɔtl] n.节气门,油门
rotation [rəuˈteiʃən] n.旋转,转动
Phrases and Expressions
power steering 动力转向,转向助力装置
fuel injection system 燃油喷射系统
throttle body 节气门体
automobile performance 汽车性能
maintenance interval 保养周期
fuel filter 燃油滤清器
brake fluid 制动液
tire rotation 轮胎换位
wheel alignment 车轮定位
Proper Nouns
Mobil One 美孚1号
AC 空调air conditioner的缩写