TPO 12
画中的人物是JA(Jane Austen)。很明显,后面将用三个理由支持这个观点。则听力将可能否定每个理由,或是理由与观点之间的关系。
evidence linking…JA is not at all convincing,是废话,不需要记录。一直到arguments…questionable都是引言,各种废话。
First,准备听家人的认可。when…authorized… JA had been dead for almost 70 years,这基本把反驳策略说清楚了,家人认可时JA早就过世了,这个认可很可能就不靠谱。family…never actually seen her themselves… couldn't have known for certain,这些在逻辑上都完美实现了我们的需要。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:就算家人认可,也不代表是JA,因为家人认可时JA已经过世70年,家人也没见过她,也可能认错。
Second,准备听像JA的肖像。could…be that of a relativ e,策略基本上已经清楚了,可以是亲戚,亲戚长得像是正常的。would explain the resemblance,是废话。extended Austen family was very large and many of…cousins were teenagers… or had children who were teenagers,这都是在说她的亲戚有很多年龄相符。some…could have resembled JA,这必然也是废话。experts believe that the true subject…was…relatives… a distant niece of JA,是谁都说出来了。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:就算和JA相像,可能只是JA的亲戚。她的亲戚那么多,有很多和她年龄相仿的女孩儿,是亲戚的可能性很大。专家就觉得像她一个远房外甥女。
Third,准备听那个非常麻烦的东西。“the painting has been attributed to Humphrey only because of the style,but other evidence points to a later date.”发现主要争论的是时间问题,其实这幅画的时间和JA年少的时间并不吻合,那么刚才阅读的其他部分就不需要在意了。我们现在肯定主要听什么证据表明了时间问题。A stamp on the back of the picture…the blank canvass…sold by a man…did not sell canvass in London when JA was a teenager,把时间为什么不符说清楚了。He only started selling…when she was 27 years old,解释很完美。the canvass was used…when JA was clearly older than…the portrait,逻辑上是废话。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:尽管风格显示时间和JA少年时吻合,但其他证据显示画作时间要远比JA年幼时晚,画背面的印章显示画布是某人兜售的,而这个人售卖画布时JA已经27岁了。
The article presents three arguments why the subject of the portrait of a teenage girl is Jane Austen,all of which are questioned by the lecturer.
For starters, even though it was endorsed by Austen's family, the lecturer argues that the endorsement took place almost 70 years after Austen had passed away. This means that the family members who endorsed the painting had not seen Austen in person and could not be certain if the portrait was indeed of Austen herself.
Second,thelecturerbelieves thatthesemblancebetweenAusten andthelittlegirlintheportraitcanbeexplainedotherwise. Perhaps theimageis ofoneofherrelatives,sinceshehadalargeextended family withalotofcousins andchildrenofcousins whowereofsimilar age.Infact,someexperts believethattheimagedepicts oneof Austen's nieces.
Last, even though stylistic analysis suggests that the painting was finished when Austen was a teenage girl, the lecturer points to other evidence that indicates that the completion time was actually much later. The stamp behind the picture suggests that the canvas of the painting was sold by a man who did not begin selling canvasses in London when Austen was a little girl. Instead, he only started selling when Austen was 27, much older than the girl in the painting.