First,准备听借钱。doesn't mean…poor,反驳策略出现了,要说借钱和有钱不矛盾,接下来肯定详细解释。Chvalier spent…money on parties and gambling,不知道要说什么,继续听。he had wealth,听不懂,继续听。But…property you have to sell first to get money,大概听明白了,很富有,但财富是要变现的。took…days to convert…into…money,这下彻底听清楚了,得花好多天才能变现,那变现之前肯定要借钱。borrow some while…waiting for his money to arrive,是废话,不用记录。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:有钱借钱很正常,就算他财产很多,但这些财产得先变现才能用来开派对和赌博,而变现花需要时间,变现之前他得先借钱。
Second,准备听和V的对话。Chevalier states in his memoir that each night…after conversing with Voltaire, he wrote down,基本不用
听了,策略已经很明显,对话完都记下来,以后看笔记就行了。Chevalier kept his notes…for many years,and referred to them when writing the memoir,这是必须的,是废话。Witnesses…confirmed that he regularly consulted notes,这在额外补充证据,方向也一致。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:他将细节记下来很正常,因为当年对话完他每天都会回忆之前的对话并记下来,之后他写memoir的时候参考了这些笔记,别人也证明了这一点。
Third,准备听逃狱。Others…had ever more powerful friends,这个对比一出现,后文基本肯定会说,朋友更厉害,更能贿赂,但没能脱狱,所以贿赂脱狱不可能。none…able to bribe…to freedom,是废话;So bribery hardly seems likely in his case也废话。best evidence,though,comes from some old Venetian…documents,准备听是什么证据。soon after Chevalier escaped prison,the ceiling of his…room…repaired,这说得很清楚了,他的牢房屋顶之后被修缮了,说明他之前脱狱是弄坏了牢房屋顶。
♦ 本段逻辑梳理:他肯定是那么逃走的,不是通过贿赂。首先,贿赂不可能,因为别的狱友有着更厉害的朋友,也没能通过贿赂逃走;其次,文件显示,他逃走之后,牢房屋顶就被修了。
The article points to three controversial pieces of information in Chevalier's memoir to demonstrate the memoir's unreliability. However,the lecturer insists that the memoir,including these three segments,is generally historically accurate.
First,the lecturer does not believe that borrowing money entails that Chevalier was not as wealthy as he claimed. Though Chevalier had a lot of properties,it would still take days to convert his property into real cash for his gambling and party activities. During the interval,he would need to borrow money.
Second, the lecturer believes that it is not surprising that Chevalier could recapitulate the details during the conversation with Voltaire, because after each night conversing with Voltaire, Chevalier would write down everything he could remember. When he wrote the memoir, he referred to those notes, which he had kept for many years. In fact, witnesses confirmed that he consulted notes frequently.
Last,the lecturer insists that Chevalier escaped from the prison in the way he described,not by bribery. She points to other people held in that jail who had more powerful friends and still did not manage to get out through bribery.Also,based on an old Venetian document,soon after Chevalier left the prison,the ceiling of his former prison cell was repaired,which fit his account perfectly.