21.Chronic Heart Failure慢性心力衰竭
Nurse: Mr. Zhang,you looked unhappy these couple days. What’s on your mind?
护士: 张先生,我看你这两天总是闷闷不乐,有什么心事吗?
Patient: I am old and because my heart is not good,I had to be hospitalized several times a year. What’s the point of living?
病人: 唉!我年纪大了,心脏又不好,一年要住好多次医院,活着还有什么意思?
Nurse: Do not worry too much. You were able to fght it through in the past,right? Can you recall what caused you to be hospitalized the past few times?
护士: 不要太担心!前几次不都过来了吗?现在你能回忆一下前几次住院是因为什么原因吗?
Patient: The frst time was because I stopped the medicines on my own. Twice like this time,were because I had a cold,and once was due to fatigue.
病人: 第一次住院是因为我自己停药才发病的。有两次和这次一样都是因为感冒,还有一次是太疲劳。
Nurse: Actually cold and fatigue are the most common inducing factors for heart failure.Other than that,high salt intake and excitement can also induce heart failure. Because of that,you must have enough rest,avoid being too tired,and stay warm to prevent catching cold. Your diet should have low salt and easy to digest,also eat less in quantity but more frequently. Reduce intake of sodium-rich foods such as pickled foods,carbonized beverages and canned goods. You should eat more fruits and vegetables to keep your bowel movement.
护士: 其实像你所说的疲劳、感冒是心衰最常见的诱发因素。除此之外,吃得太咸、情绪激动等也会诱发心衰。因此,你必须注意休息,避免过度劳累,要注意保暖,预防感冒。饮食宜清淡低盐,易消化,而且要少量多餐,避免过饱。少吃含钠丰富的食物,如盐腌食物、碳酸饮料、罐头食品等,多吃蔬菜与水果,保持大便通畅。
Patient: I often like to eat salty fsh,pickled vegetables. I see now these types of food are not good to my heart. I also like cooler temperature and often catch cold. If I follow your instructions,I will not be admitted to the hospital so often,right?
病人: 我平时很喜欢吃咸鱼、咸菜,看来这些对我的心脏是有害的,而且我很贪凉,所以经常感冒。如果我能照你说的去做,我就不会经常住院了,是吗?
Nurse: Yes,if you can stay persistent,you’ll be able to reduce the frequency of hospitalization.
护士: 是的,如果你能坚持的话,就可以减少住院的次数。