Nurse: What seems to be the problem?
护士: 您哪里不舒服?
Patient: Nurse,I have a sharp pain in my upper abdomen.
病人: 护士,我上腹部忽然疼痛。
Nurse: When did it begin?
护士: 什么时候开始的?
Patient: About three hours ago.
病人: 约3小时前。
Nurse: Have you ever had any pains like this before?
护士: 您以前这样痛过吗?
Patient: No,never.
病人: 不,从来没有过。
Nurse: Show me the pain location.
护士: 指给我哪痛。
Patient: Here.
病人: 这儿。
Nurse: What kind of pain it is? Intermittent or persistent?
护士: 是怎样的痛?是间歇的还是持续的?
Patient: It’s a kind of sharp. It was off and on,but now it hurts all the time.
病人: 是剧痛。本来是一阵一阵的,可是现在持续痛。
Nurse: Do you feel nausea?
护士: 你觉得恶心吗?
Patient: I feel vomiting.
病人: 我想吐。
Nurse: let’s take a white blood count and a blood analysis test,a kind of test for acute pancreatitis.
护士: 让我们做个白细胞计数和淀粉酶试验,这是一种专为查急性胰腺炎的试验。
Patient: OK,thank you.
病人: 好吧,谢谢。