6.Examination and Test检查和检测
A.Sentences Commonly Used(常用语)
1.I am going to take your temperature.
2.Please open your mouth and I will place this thermometer under your tongue for 3 minutes.
3.Please let me feel your pulse.
4.I am going to feel your pulse on your wrist.
5. Let me take your blood pressure.
6.I am going to take your blood pressure now. It’s one hundred and forty over ninety mmHg.
7.Get on the scales and I’ll see how much you weigh.
8.Look right at me,please.
9.Would you come toward me just a little?
10.Let me examine you.
11.Now open your mouth.
12.Open your mouth just as wide as you can.
13.Open your mouth and say“ah”.
14.I’ll look into your mouth.
15.Please stick out your tongue.
16.Take a few deep breaths.
17.Breathe in /out.
18.Now I want to look in your throat.
19.Please breathe deeply /normally.
20.Let me take a look in your ears,frst.
21.Now let me examine your nose.
22.Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt.
23.Please take off your trousers /jacket.
24.Please take off your shirt and socks,and lie down on your back.
25.Please take off your shoes and lie down.
26.Please take your clothes off and put this sheet over you.
27.Now would you lie down?
28.Please lie on your left,facing the wall.
29.Now the other side.
30.Please lie on your stomach.
31.Please hold your breath.
32.You may breathe now.
33.Please cough.
34.I just want to feel under your arm.
35.Please bend your knees.
36.Please lift your left leg /right leg.
37.Please relax and don’t move.
38.It will be fnished in 3 minutes.
39.It’s fnished. You can get dressed.
40.We’re changing the bed linen immediately.
41.You need a thorough examination.
42.Please hold your son. Don’t let him move.
43.Please do what I do.
44.Please walk to the door and back towards me.
45.You need a blood test.
46.I will prick your thumb.
47.I’d like to take some blood from your arm.
48.I would like to draw your blood. /Let me draw your blood.
49.Give me your arm.
50.Please roll up your sleeve.
51.Don’t worry. It doesn’t hurt you.
52.Tell me if I hurt you too much.
53.I’d like to shave off the air around the operation area.
54.You are doing perfectly.
55.It will fnish in seconds.
56.Okay,that’s all.
57.Okay,it’s done. Did it hurt?
58.Please hold the gauze for a few minutes.
59.I would like to test your urine.
60.Please bring your urine in this cup.
61.Please collect your urine in the middle part of urination.
62.I’ll come back in a minute.
63.The doctor is coming to see you soon.
64.Please take this paper to your doctor.
65.Please wait until we get the result of the blood test.
66.It is normal /essentially normal.
67.Shall I explain it again?
68.Please turn around and show me your back.
69.Please bend forward as far as you can.
70.Please bend back as far as you can.
71.Please lift your arms to the side.
72.Please put your arms forward.
73.Please raise your right /left arm as high as you can.
74.Can you touch your shoulder blade with your right/ left hand?
75.Can you raise your arms/ hands in front of you?
76.Can you bend your right/ left arm?
77.Can you move your fngers/ thumbs?
78.Can you squeeze my fngers?
79.Can you turn your head to the right/ left?
80.Please bend your neck forward/ backward/ right side/ left side.
81.Can you straighten your right/ left leg?
82.Can you bend your right/ left knee?
83.Can you move your ankle/ toes?
84.I need a stool specimen.
85.Here is the specimen pot.
86.When you have done the specimen please take it to the Bacteriology Department.
87.Here is the form,I will tell you where to go.
88.Please bring the results back to me.
89.You need to have an X-ray.
90.You need an X-ray of your...
91.You will have to go to the X-ray Department,please take this form.
92.I will show you where to go,please bring the results back to me.
93.You need to have an ultra-scan of your...
94.Please take this form.
95.I will show you where to go,please bring the results back here.
96.You will need to have a full bladder before the ultra-scan.
97.Please can you drink...glasses of water before you have the scan.
B.Situational Conversation(情景会话)
Nurse: How long have you had this problem?
护士: 你有这个病多久了?
Patient: On and off for ages,I can’t remember.
病人: 断断续续多年了,我记不太清了。
Nurse: It is March now,have you had this problem just this year?
护士: 现在是三月,你只是今年才有这个病的吗?
Patient: Longer,I think.
病人: 还要长。
Nurse: Did you have it at Christmas time?
护士: 是否在去年圣诞期间?
Patient: Yes,I did. I remember that it spoilt the day for me.
病人: 对。我记得是在圣诞节发作的。
Nurse: Can you remember how long you had it before then,did you have the problem in the summer?
护士: 你还能记得之前发作多长时间吗?你在夏天的时候有同样的毛病吗?
Patient: No,I didn’t. It started after my holiday,and I had my holiday in September.
病人: 没有,夏天时没有。它是我休假之后出现的,我休假在九月。
Nurse: So you think you may have had this problem for about 6 months then?
护士: 所以现在你有这个毛病快6个月了?
Patient: Yes,I think so,about 6 months.
病人: 对。我认为大约就6个月时间。
Nurse: You say you have the pain on and off,does that mean the pain is there everyday?
护士: 你说时而发痛,这是否意味着在同样一个地方天天都断断续续地痛?
Patient: No,I wouldn’t say it was everyday.
病人: 不。不是天天都有。
Nurse: How many days between each attack of pain would you say?
护士: 两次发作间隔多久?
Patient: Maybe every couple of days or so.
病人: 大约每两天一次。
Nurse: And when you get a day of pain,how many times do you get the pain throughout the day?
护士: 痛的那天,整天下来疼痛多少次?
Patient: It’s usually after I’ve had breakfast and then a few more times during the day.
病人: 通常在早饭之后一次,白天再发作三四次左右。
Nurse: So would you say when you have the pain it can be four times a day?
护士: 你的意思是一天四次吗?
Patient: Yes,that’s right.
病人: 对,是这样的。
Nurse: OK,thanks.
护士: 好的,谢谢。
Nurse: Good morning,Mrs. Jones,how are you this morning?
护士: 早上好,琼斯夫人,你早上觉得怎么样?
Patient: Not too bad,thank you.
病人: 不太坏,谢谢!
Nurse: Did you have your bowels open in the night?
护士: 你昨晚上厕所了吗?
Patient: Yes,I did several times.
病人: 是的,上了几次。
Nurse: How many times exactly?
护士: 具体是几次?
Patient: Oh about 4 or 5 times.
病人: 哦,大概四五次吧。
Nurse: OK,thank you,I’ll tell the doctor.
护士: 好的,谢谢,我会告诉医生的。
Nurse: Mrs. Jones,I need to give you an injection of antibiotics.
护士: 琼斯夫人,我要给你打抗生素。
Patient: OK,nurse. Where are you going to give it to me?
病人: 好的,护士小姐。你要在什么地方打?
Nurse: In your right buttock,please will you turn over onto your front?
护士: 臀部右边,请转身趴着。
Patient: Sure,OK.
病人: 没问题。
Nurse: I’m just going to clean your skin,it will feel a bit cold,and you will feel a sharp prick.OK,fnished now,you can turn back.
护士: 我将要给你清洁皮肤,会有一点冷和刺痛。好了,现在完成了,你可以转过来了。
Patient: Thanks,nurse.
病人: 谢谢你,护士小姐。
Nurse: Mrs. Jones,I need to do an ECG test.
护士: 琼斯夫人,我需要给你做心电图检测。
Patient: OK,when? Now?
病人: 好的,什么时候?是现在吗?
Nurse: Yes,will you follow me please to the treatment room?
护士: 是的,你可以跟着我到治疗室吗?
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Nurse: Can you sit on the examination couch for me?
护士: 你可以坐到检查台上面吗?
Patient: Sure.
病人: 当然可以。
Nurse: Please unbutton your top.
护士: 请将上衣脱掉。
Patient: Do you want me to take off my bra?
病人: 我需要将乳罩也脱掉吗?
Nurse: No,just your top.
护士: 不用,上衣就可以。
Nurse: I am going to put these pads on your chest,and these jelly will feel cold.
护士: 我接下来将这些电极片放到你的胸部,会感觉有点冷。
Nurse: OK,I’ve fnished now,you can get dressed.
护士: 好的,我现在完成了,你可以穿衣服了。
Patient: Thanks.
病人: 谢谢。
Nurse: Good morning,Miss Smith. How is your foot today?
护士: 早上好,史密斯小姐。你的脚今天感觉怎么样?
Patient: Hi,nurse. Better than I think.
病人: 你好,护士小姐。我觉得好多了。
Nurse: May I have a look?
护士: 我能看一下吗?
Patient: Sure.
病人: 当然。
Nurse: Can you lift your foot up onto the stool for me?
护士: 你能将脚抬到凳子上吗?
Nurse: Can you bend your ankle and move your toes?
护士: 你能扭动脚踝、移动脚趾吗?
Patient: Yes,sure. The ankle is a bit stiff but my toes can move great now.
病人: 是的,当然。脚踝还是感觉有点僵硬,不过脚趾现在可以很好地移动了。
Nurse: Yes,that’s good. Your foot is getting better,and you must try and keep your foot up when you are sitting down.
护士: 那太好了。你的脚正在恢复,当你坐着的时候尽量将脚抬起来别着地。
Patient: OK,I’ll try to remember.
病人: 好的,我会记住的。
Normal Urine Sample(Specimen)(Inpatient) 常规尿样(住院病人)
Nurse: Mrs. Jones,the doctor wants you to have a urine specimen.
护士: 琼斯夫人,医生要你做尿液检测。
Patient: What,you want a urine specimen now?
病人: 什么?你是现在要尿样吗?
Nurse: Yes,please. Here is the bottle. The toilets(washroom)are over there.
护士: 是的,这是样本瓶,厕所在那边。
Patient: What shall I do with the specimen when I have done it?
病人: 取了尿液样本之后我该怎么做?
Nurse: Please bring it back to me,and I will take it to the Bacteriology Department.
护士: 请带回来给我,我会将它送到细菌室。
Patient: When will the results be back?
病人: 结果什么时候能拿到?
Nurse: In a couple of hours,the doctor will come and tell you the results.
护士: 两个小时内,医生会过来告诉你结果。
Patient: OK,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢!
Nurse: Mrs. Jones,the doctor wants you to have a urine specimen.
护士: 琼斯夫人,医生要求你做尿样检测。
Patient: What,you want a urine specimen now?
病人: 什么?你是现在要尿样吗?
Nurse: Yes,please. Here is the bottle. The toilets(washroom)are over there.
护士: 是的,这是样本瓶,厕所在那边。
Patient: What shall I do with the specimen when I have done it?
病人: 取了尿液样本之后我该怎么做?
Nurse: Here is the form,please take the specimen and form to the Bacteriology Department.Wait for the results and bring them back to me.
护士: 这是化验单,请将尿样和化验单带到细菌室。等结果出来后带回来给我。
Patient: Where is the Bacteriology Department?
病人: 细菌室在哪里?
Nurse: It is on the third foor. Take the elevator or stairs,and the Bacteriology Department is on your left,and go to the frst counter.
护士: 细菌室在三楼,你可以坐电梯或走楼梯上去,你左手边的第一个窗口就是。
Patient: OK,and do I wait there for the results?
病人: 好的,我需要在那儿等结果吗?
Nurse: No,you need to go to the second foor. When you come out of the elevator the counter straight ahead of you will have the results,you need to give them your receipt.
护士: 不是,你需要到二楼,电梯出来正对着的那个窗口就是,你需要将领结果的条子交给他们。
Patient: How long will this all take?
病人: 做完这些需要多长时间?
Nurse: The results take about 30 minutes.
护士: 结果出来大概需要等30分钟。
Patient: Then what shall I do,come back here?
病人: 那么我接着做什么?回来吗?
Nurse: Yes,come back here and I can tell the doctor you have your results.
护士: 是的,回到这里,我会告诉医生你的化验结果出来了。
Patient: OK,thanks. See you later.
病人: 好的,谢谢,一会儿见。
Nurse: Mrs. Smith,the doctor needs a stool specimen. Here is the specimen pot.
护士: 史密斯夫人,医生需要你的粪便样本,这是样本瓶。
Patient: I don’t know if I can give you a specimen right now.
病人: 我不知道现在是不是能够给你。
Nurse: If you can’t do a specimen now,please take the pot and collect a specimen when you get home,and bring it back later or tomorrow.
护士: 如果你现在不能给的话,请将瓶子带回家取样,你可以晚点或明天带过来。
Patient: If I bring it back another time,what do I have to do,where shall I take it?
病人: 如果我下回带过来,我该怎么做,我需要带到哪里?
Nurse: When you have done the specimen,please take it to the Bacteriology Department.Here is the form,I will tell you where to go,you will have to wait for the results and bring them back to me.
护士: 你取样之后带到细菌室。这是化验单,我会带你过去,你需要等待结果出来之后拿来给我。
Patient: What if I bring the specimen back tomorrow,do I wait for the results and bring it back to you?
病人: 如果我明天才带样本过来呢,我也要等结果出来后带给你吗?
Nurse: Yes,when you get the result,if it is positive or shows you have something wrong,you will have to register again as you will need to come back and see the doctor.
护士: 是的,如果检测结果呈阳性或者表明你有疾病的话,你需要重新挂号回来看医生。
Patient: OK,and if it’s negative,I can just leave?
病人: 好的,如果是阴性,我就可以走了,是吗?
Nurse: Yes,if it’s negative,you don’t need to see the doctor.
护士: 是的,如果是阴性你就不用看医生了。
Patient: OK,thanks.
病人: 好的,谢谢!
Nurse: Mrs. Jones,the doctor says you need to have an X-ray.
护士: 琼斯夫人,医生说你需要做X线检查。
Patient: Yes,I do. Can you tell me where I have to go?
病人: 是的,你能告诉我该去哪里吗?
Nurse: X-ray Department is on the frst foor,if you go down the stairs turn left and follow the signs or follow the yellow line on the foor,it will take you to the X-ray Department.If you take the elevator,turn right.
护士: 放射科在一楼,走楼梯的话,你下楼之后左转,沿着箭头或地上的黄色指示线就能找到。如果是坐电梯就出来后右转。
Patient: OK,thanks. Do I come back here when I’ve had the X-ray?
病人: 好的,谢谢。拍了片之后我需要回到这里吗?
Nurse: No,you must wait for the results and then bring them back to me.
护士: 不,你必须在那等结果,然后将结果带回来给我。
Patient: How long do I have to wait?
病人: 我需要等多久?
Nurse: Not long,about 30 minutes,there are chairs where you can sit and wait.
护士: 不是很久,大约30分钟。那里有椅子,你可以坐着等。
Patient: OK,thanks. See you later.
病人: 好的,谢谢,一会儿见。
Nurse: Miss. Smith,the doctor says you need an ultra sound of your abdomen.
护士: 史密斯小姐,医生需要你做腹部的超声波扫描。
Patient: Yes,that’s right. Can you tell me where I have to go,and what I have to do?
病人: 好的,没问题。你能告诉我将要去哪里以及怎么做吗?
Nurse: I will show you where the department is; you will need to drink some water before the test.
护士: 我会带你过去,你在检测之前需要喝些水。
Patient: Oh,sure,how much?
病人: 哦,好的,要喝多少?
Nurse: The nurse in the department will give you 3 glasses of water to drink before they do the test. You will need to wait for the results and bring them back to me.
护士: 检测之前,那里的护士会给你3杯水。你需要在那等结果出来后拿给我。
Patient: How long do I have to wait?
病人: 我需要等多久?
Nurse: Not very long,about 30 minutes.
护士: 不是很久,30分钟左右吧。
Patient: OK,see you later.
病人: 好的,再见。
Patient: The doctor suggested I have a series of gastro-intestinal tests made. What shall I do?
病人: 医生建议我做个胃肠造影。我该怎么做呢?
Nurse: I’ll make an appointment for you at once. Come next Friday morning at 8 o’clock.Please don’t eat or drink any thing after midnight.
护士: 我现在就给您约定。下星期五早晨8:00来。到后半夜就不要再吃东西或者喝水了。
Patient: Not even water?
病人: 水也不行吗?
Nurse: A sip of water is all right.
护士: 小口水还是可以的。
Patient: When can I get the result?
病人: 我什么时候能知道检查结果?
Nurse: Right away.
护士: 马上就可以。
Patient: May I ask our interpreter to call for the result?
病人: 可以请我们翻译打电话问结果吗?
Nurse: Yes,you may. You can have all the results next Monday when you come to see the doctor.
护士: 是的,可以。您下周一看病的时候,所有结果都会出来的。
Patient: If my symptom get worse,I can come at any time,can’t I? Or should I call frst?
病人: 如果我病情转重,我随时都可以来,是吗?要不要先打个电话?
Nurse: If you have time,it is better to notify us before you come. If you are too weak,we can do a home visit. Our doctor and nurse can go to your home by ambulance. In case you need to be hospital,we will bring you back.
护士: 假如有时间,最好在来之前打个电话。假如您太虚弱,我们可以出诊。我们的医生和护士可以乘坐救护车到您家去。假如您需要到医院,我们就把您带回医院来。