第8章 The Importance of One's Own Language——John Locke
To write and speak correctly gives aGrace,and gains afavorable attention to what one has to say;and,since it is English that an English Gentleman will have constant use of,that is the Language he should chiefly cultivate,and wherein most care should be taken to polish and perfect his Style.To speak or write better Latin than English may make aman be talked of;but he would find it more to his purpose to express himself well in his own tongue,that he uses every moment,than to have the vain commendation of others for avery insignificant quality.This Ifind universally neglected,and no care taken anywhere to improve Young Men in their own Language,that they may thoroughly understand and be Masters of it.If anyone among us hath afacility or purity more than ordinary in his Mother Tongue,it is owing to Chance,or his Genius,or anything,rather than to his Education,or any care of his Teacher.To mind what English his Pupil speaks or writes is below the dignity of one bred up amongst Greek and Latin,though he hath but little of them himself.These are the learned Languages,fit only for learned Men to meddle with and teach;English is the language of the illiterate Vulgar,though yet we see the policy of some of our neighbors hath not thought it beneath the public care to promote and reward the improvement of their own Language.Polishing and enriching their Tongue is no small Business amongst them:it hath colleges and stipends appointed it,and there is raised amongst them agreat Ambition and Emulation of writing correctly;and we see what they are come to by it,and how far they have spread one of the worst Languages,possibly,in this part of the World;if we look upon it as it was in some few Reigns backwards,whatever it be now.The great Men amongst the Romans were daily exercising themselves in their own language;and we find yet upon record the Names of Orators who taught some of their emperors Latin,though it were their Mother Tongue.
It is plain the Greeks were yet nicer in theirs;all other Speech was barbarous to them but their own,and no Foreign Language appears to have been studied or valued amongst that learned and acute People;though it be past doubt,that they borrowed their Learning and Philosophy from abroad.
I am not here speaking against Greek and Latin;I think they ought to be studied,and the Latin,at least,understood well,by every Gentleman.But whatever foreign Languages aYoung Man meddles with(and the more he knows the better),that which he should critically study and labor to get afacility,clearness,and elegancy to express himself in,should be his own,and to this purpose he should daily be exercised in it.
vain adj. 无用的;自负的
facility n. 能力;灵巧
meddle v. 干涉;抚弄
vulgar n. 平民
stipend n. (尤指牧师的)薪俸
emulation n. 仿效;竞争
barbarous adj. 野蛮的
acute adj. 敏锐的
To speak or write better Latin than English may make aman be talked of;but he would find it more to his purpose to express himself well in his own tongue,that he uses every moment,than to have the vain commendation of others for avery insignificant quality.能把拉丁语说写得比英语更好,可能为人赢得某种名气;但是他将发现,能把不可须臾相离的本族语运用自如,实较这点区区末节博来的虚名更为实用。