2.1.4 数词
1)设计专业的文献有时需要对分数进行描述。通常表达分数的方式是分子用基数词表示,而分母用序数词复数形式,例如:六分之五可以表示为five sixths。而在某些特殊的情况下,比如说如果分子等于1时,分母可以用单数。例如:四分之一可以表达为one forth。二分之一可以表达为a/one half。注意one second是不正确的。另外,写作者也可以加上数量单位进行描述,比如零点三克,作者可以说three tenths of a gram;而如果想表达零点几克,写作者可以用a few/several tenths of a gram来表示。
例句:The voltage across this instrument is a few/several hundredths of a volt.
2)科技英语中表示比较小的分数还有一种常用的形式:分子通常是由基数词+part(s)表示;而分母则通常是由in a + 基数词或者in + 阿拉伯数字或者per + 基数词表示。
例句1:This mass(质量)change is less than 1 part in 1011.
例句2:Its error is only 5 parts in 106(in a million; per million).
倍数(百分数,分数)+ ① the(its, their)+ 名词 ② that + 后置定语 ③ what从句
例句1:Its output is 100 times(as great as)the signal applied to the amplifier(放大器).
例句2:The force provided by two parallel rubber bands is twice(as large as)that provided by one rubber band.
或者Two parallel rubber bands provide twice as large a force as one rubber band.
例句3:This voltage is two fifths what it was(= two fifths its original value).
1)在专业英语中我们经常会看到关于倍数的描述。专业英语和倍数相关的表达其基本形式是:“n”time(s)+ 比较级或者“n”time(s)+as+ 原级 +as。
例句1:The LEO system requires 20 times more satellites than a GEO system to cover the globe.
例句2:The average Nu is found to equal 23. 5 or nearly 4. 5 times greater than the ideal Nu of 5. 38.
例句3:XVI is used to express the number of 16. To express a number a thousand times larger, the Romans put a line above that number.
例句4:This LED TV is four times thicker than that one.
2)在专业英语中也可以利用“a factor of n”来表示“增减”的倍数,它等效于“n-1”倍(factor = multiplied by)。
例句:This amplifier causes the signal power to increase by a factor of 100.