Unit 1 My Family

Warm up

My name is Andy. I have a big family, and we are all very close. My father, Ben, is very tall and wears glasses. He likes to watch TV and play golf. My mother’s name is Susan. She has brown hair and is not very tall. She likes to read and go running. My sister Samantha is younger than me, and she has brown hair. She enjoys dancing and painting. My brother Alex is older. He has brown hair like my mother. He likes playing football and videogames. My uncle Rick has black hair. He likes golfing with my father. My grandmother Alice lives with my family. She likes to paint and watch movies.
1. Read the paragraph and fill in each family member’s name and hobby below the picture.
2. Who is the oldest member of the family?
3. Who is the youngest member of the family?
4. Who likes to go golfing?
5. Who are in your family?
In my family there are…
Vocabulary U1-V-L1

Vocabulary Exercises
I. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. Use plural form or change the verb tense if necessary.
scholar adapt common relative create couple marry
independent habit depend attention importance priority plan succeed
1. We all believe that his new business will _____.
2. The class is very small, so every child gets a lot of _____.
3. She_____quickly to life in university.
4. People today realize the_____of a university education.
5. Children should be encouraged to be_____.
6. Your exam scores_____on how much you study.
7. Brian is in the_____of waking up at 6 every morning.
8. That_____has been arguing for nearly an hour now.
9. My_____is happiness, not money.
10. My best friend is getting_____this summer.
II. Match the words with their translations.

III. Connect the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending.

Reading Passage 1 U1-P1

The Nuclear Family in England 830L
Scholars used to think that before the Industrial Revolution, extended families were the most common type of family. An extended family has parents, children, and other relatives like grandparents living and working together. It was thought that the Industrial Revolution created the nuclear family, which has only parents and their children living together.
However, scholars have found that the nuclear family has actually been the most common type of family in England since the 1200s. English couples usually did not live in their parents’ homes after getting married. They married later, after they had enough money to be independent. This included having their own home to live in.
In many ways, the nuclear family was better than the extended family. It was better at adapting to changes. Nuclear families could move or find new jobs more easily. They also had the habit of working hard and saving money. Extended families were not like this. In extended families, couples lived and worked with their parents. They married earlier, usually before the age of 20. Because they married young and depended on their families, these couples could not adapt to big changes.
Another good thing about the nuclear family was that it was child-centered. In extended families, couples married younger and had many children. Because there were many children, each child got little attention. An education was not important in this type of family. On the other hand, nuclear families married later and had fewer children. Each child got more attention, and a good education was a priority.
Nuclear families knew the importance of hard work, planning, and adapting. Children in nuclear families could succeed in a changing world. It is not surprising that the Industrial Revolution started in England, a country of nuclear families.
Reading Exercises
I. Select the correct answer for the following questions.
1. What did scholars used to think about the nuclear family?
a) It started after the Industrial Revolution.
b) It started before the Industrial Revolution.
c) It was always the most common type of family.
d) It was the only type of family.
2. What is the difference between the extended family and the nuclear family?
a) An extended family has parents and their children.
b) A nuclear family includes grandparents, aunts and uncles.
c) An extended family includes grandparents, aunts and uncles.
d) A nuclear family can only have three people.
3. What didn’t scholars discover about English couples as early as the 1200s?
a) They did not live with their parents after marriage.
b) They often didn’t have children.
c) They married later than in other countries.
d) They married after they had money to be independent.
4. The nuclear family was better than the extended family in all ways except
a) nuclear families often worked harder and saved money.
b) nuclear families could adapt to changes easily.
c) nuclear families could move or change jobs easily.
d) nuclear families depended on other family members for money.
5. Why was the nuclear family better for children?
a) They had closer relationships with their parents.
b) They were more likely to get an education.
c) They would work for their parents.
d) They had more brothers and sisters.
6. How would the nuclear family have contributed to the Industrial Revolution? (Choose 2)
a) Their children were educated.
b) Nuclear families were often rich.
c) They were likely to work hard, plan and adapt.
d) They started a lot of businesses.
e) They had many children.
II. Read the sentences. Are they true (T) or false (F)?
1. The Industrial Revolution created the nuclear family. _____
2. The nuclear family includes grandparents and other relatives. _____
3. Since the 1200s, the nuclear family was the most common type of family in England. _____
4. Extended families work harder than nuclear families. _____
5. Nuclear families were usually child-centered. _____
6. Couples in extended families got married very early. _____
7. In extended families, children often got an education. _____
8. Extended families were good at adapting to changes. _____
Functional Vocabulary U1-FV1

Grammar Focus—Pronouns
Pronouns are words that replace a noun. There are three types of pronouns—subject, object, and possessive.

Grammar Exercises
I. Complete the sentences with pronouns, then circle whether it is a subject (S), object (O), or possessive pronoun (P).
1. Jason is really nice._____let me borrow his pen. S/O/P
2. I have three dogs._____love to run and play. S/O/P
3. I went to visit my friend Jasmine’s hometown. I met_____family and they were very nice. S/O/P
4. Tony studies a lot. Sometimes,_____lets me use his notes. S/O/P
5. I brought three books but only one of them is ._____ S/O/P
6. When I take the subway to work, there are always many people around_____. S/O/P
II. Rewrite the sentences with pronouns instead of the bolded words.
1. My brother went home early because he felt sick.
2. It is my sister’s wallet.
3. I like playing tennis with Tony.
4. The employees don’t like working on the weekend.
5. Everyone was looking at Kevin and James.
6. That is my father’s bag.
III. Read the paragraph and underline the pronouns.
This morning, I woke up and went to my kitchen. I cooked some eggs and then took a shower. I wanted to eat them after showering. My brother had to wait for the shower. He decided to eat breakfast. He ate my eggs. He asked, “whose eggs are these?” I said, “They’re mine!” But he ate them anyway. Sometimes he can be very mean.
Vocabulary U1-V-L2

Vocabulary Exercises
I. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. Use plural form or change the verb tense if necessary.
researcher positive mental behavior depression anxiety access
low-income comfortable quit advantage breadwinner childcare training social
1. Her_____is so bad that she has stopped going to work or seeing friends.
2. The government created a program to improve this_____neighborhood.
3. Sally is the_____in her family, while her husband stays home with the kids.
4. My parents take care of my son because_____is too expensive.
5. The author’s new book got_____reviews.
6. Normal people do not have_____to important government information.
7. The bed in this hotel room is not_____.
8. Before you_____your job, think about your family.
9. The company gives_____to all new employees.
10. Speaking more than one language gives you an_____when looking for a job.
II. Match the word with its definition or synonym.

III. Put the parts of the following sentences in order.
1. comfortable/Alexandra isn’t/airplane./taking an
2. in a laboratory./is a researcher/My uncle
3. busy/Mike has/social life./a very
4. cellphone has/My/internet access.
5. football match./training for a/We are
6. to work/I want/fashion industry./in the
Reading Passage 2

Working Moms vs.Stay-at-Home Moms
Reading—970L U1-P2-R
Today, more moms are choosing to work instead of stay at home. There are many reasons for mothers to do this.
First, mothers set an example of gender equality when they work. Researchers looked at working moms and their children in 25 countries. They found that daughters of working moms finished more years of school and got better jobs. In the US, daughters of working moms were even paid 23 percent more.
Second, working mothers have a positive effect on their children’s mental health. One study showed that children of working mothers have fewer learning or behavior problems, and fewer social problems. They also found that these children have less depression and anxiety. This was especially true for children in low-income or single-parent families.
Finally, working moms make money, which gives children a better life. It is good for mothers to spend time with their kids, but working moms give their children access to better schools and a more comfortable life. Also, if a mom quits her job to raise children, she will have trouble going back to work later, and may have to take lower pay or a lower position.
Listening—870L U1-P2-L
It’s great that more mothers today choose to work, but the advantages aren’t always so clear.
First, while working moms do show their children that mothers can be breadwinners, it’s not clear if this affects children like the reading says. Working mothers are usually well educated, so it could be the mother’s education that matters. Maybe well-educated stay-at-home moms have the same effect on their kids as well.
Next, the study on mental health isn’t so simple. Yes, working moms can have a positive effect on low-income or single-parent families. But, in these families, the positive effect comes from having enough money. Some studies show that in middle-class or two-income families, working mothers can actually have a negative effect.
Finally, let’s talk about income. If both parents work, then they have to pay for childcare. But, the cost of childcare can be even higher than a parent’s income. That would be more expensive than one parent staying at home. Now, it’s true that it’s hard for stay-at-home moms to go back to work. Most women have to get more training, or change to a different industry. But it is possible to get higher pay or a higher position in time.
Reading Exercises
I. Briefly describe the three arguments made in the passages above.

II. Read the sentences. Are they true (T) or false (F)?
1. Working mothers set an example of gender equality._____
2. Children’s mental health can be positively affected by working mothers._____
3. Researchers found no difference in the jobs of daughters whose mothers had worked._____
4. Children whose mothers work are more likely to have behavior problems._____
5. If a mom quits her job, she will have trouble going back to work later._____
6. In middle-class or two-income families, working mothers can have a negative effect._____
7. Paying for childcare is quite cheap._____
Functional Vocabulary U1-FV2


I. You are going to write about your family. Fill in the table below with details about your family members.

II. Use the information above and write about your family members. Use full sentences and write as much detail as possible.
Example: My mother’s name is Susan. She is a businesswoman. Her hobby is traveling. She has traveled all over the world.