Bibliography. General Works. Woodberry's Appreciation of Literature(Baker & Taylor Co.); Gates's Studies in Appreciation(Macmillan); Bates's Talks on the Study of Literature(Houghton, Mifflin); Worsfold's On the Exercise of Judgment in Literature(Dent); Harrison's The Choice of Books(Macmillan);Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies, Part I; Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism.
Essays. Emerson's Books, in Society and Solitude; Dowden's TheInterpretation of Literature, in Transcripts and Studies(Kegan Paul & Co.), and The Teaching of English Literature, in New Studies in Literature(Houghton, Mifflin); The Study of Literature, Essays by Morley, Nicolls, and L. Stephen, edited by A. F. Blaisdell(Willard Small).
Criticism. Gayley and Scott's An Introduction to the Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism(Ginn and Company);Winchester's Principles of Literary Criticism(Macmillan);Worsfold's Principles of Criticism(Longmans); Johnson's Elements of Literary Criticism(American Book Company);Saintsbury's History of Criticism(Dodd, Mead).
Poetry. Gummere's Handbook of Poetics(Ginn and Company); Stedman's the Nature and Elements of Poetry(Houghton, Mifflin); Johnson's The Forms of English Poetry(American Book Company); Alden's Specimens of English Verse(Holt);Gummere's The Beginnings of Poetry(Macmillan); Saintsbury's History of English Prosody(Macmillan).
The Drama. Caffin's Appreciation of the Drama(Baker&Taylor Co.).
The Novel. Raleigh's The English Novel(Scribner);Hamilton's The Materials and Methods of Fiction(Baker & Taylor Co.).