Now the most famous of the captains that mustered to Harald are acknowledged to have been Sweyn and Sambar (Sam?), Ambar and Elli; Rati of Funen, Salgard and Roe (Hrothgar), whom his long beard distinguished by a nickname.Besides these, Skalk the Scanian, and Alf the son of Agg; to whom are joined Olwir the Broad, and Gnepie the Old.Besides these there was Gardh, founder of the town Stang.To these are added the kinsfolk or bound followers of Harald: Blend (Blaeng?), the dweller in furthest Thule, (1) and Brand, whose surname was Crumb (Bitling?).Allied with these were Thorguy, with Thorwig, Tatar (Teit), and Hialte.These men voyaged to Leire with bodies armed for war; but they were also mighty in excellence of wit, and their trained courage matched their great stature; for they had skill in discharging arrows both from bow and catapult, and at fighting their foe as they commonly did, man to man; and also at readily stringing together verse in the speech of their country:
so zealously had they trained mind and body alike.Now out of Leire came Hortar (Hjort) and Borrhy (Borgar or Borgny), and also Belgi and Beigad, to whom were added Bari and Toli.Now out of the town of Sle, under the captains Hetha (Heid) and Wisna, with Hakon Cut-cheek came Tummi the Sailmaker.On these captains, who had the bodies of women, nature bestowed the souls of men.
Webiorg was also inspired with the same spirit, and was attended by Bo (Bui) Bramason and Brat the Jute, thirsting for war.In the same throng came Orm of England, Ubbe the Frisian, Ari the One-eyed, and Alf Gotar.Next in the count came Dal the Fat and Duk the Sclav; Wisna, a woman, filled with sternness, and a skilled warrior, was guarded by a band of Sclavs: her chief followers were Barri and Gnizli.But the rest of the same company had their bodies covered by little shields, and used very long swords and targets of skiey hue, which, in time of war, they either cast behind their backs or gave over to the baggage-bearers; while they cast away all protection to their breasts, and exposed their bodies to every peril, offering battle with drawn swords.The most illustrious of these were Tolkar and Ymi.
After these, Toki of the province of Wohin was conspicuous together with Otrit surnamed the Young.Hetha, guarded by a retinue of very active men, brought an armed company to the war, the chiefs of whom were Grim and Grenzli; next to whom are named Geir the Livonian, Hame also and Hunger, Humbli and Biari, bravest of the princes.These men often fought duels successfully, and won famous victories far and wide.
The maidens I have named, in fighting as well as courteous array, led their land-forces to the battle-field.Thus the Danish army mustered company by company.There were seven kings, equal in spirit but differing in allegiance, some defending Harald, and some Ring.Moreover, the following went to the side of Harald:
Homi and Hosathul (Eysothul?), Him...., Hastin and Hythin (Hedin)the Slight, also Dahar (Dag), named Grenski, and Harald Olafsson also.From the province of Aland came Har and Herlewar (Herleif), with Hothbrodd, surnamed the Furious; these fought in the Danish camp.But from Imisland arrived Humnehy (?) and Harald.They were joined by Haki and by Sigmund and Serker the sons of Bemon, all coming from the North.All these were retainers of the king, who befriended them most generously; for they were held in the highest distinction by him, receiving swords adorned with gold, and the choicest spoils of war.There came also....the sons of Gandal the old, who were in the intimate favour of Harald by reason of ancient allegiance.Thus the sea was studded with the Danish fleet, and seemed to interpose a bridge, uniting Zealand to Skaane.To those that wished to pass between those provinces, the sea offered a short road on foot over the dense mass of ships.But Harald would not have the Swedes unprepared in their arrangements for war, and sent men to Ring to carry his public declaration of hostilities, and notify the rupture of the mediating peace.The same men were directed to prescribe the place of combat.These then whom Ihave named were the fighters for Harald.
Now, on the side of Ring were numbered Ulf, Aggi (Aki?), Windar (Eywind?), Egil the One-eyed; Gotar, Hildi, Guti Alfsson; Styr the Stout, and (Tolo-) Stein, who lived by the Wienic Mere.To these were joined Gerd the Glad and Gromer (Glum?) from Wermland.
After these are reckoned the dwellers north on the Elbe, Saxo the Splitter, Sali the Goth; Thord the Stumbler, Throndar Big-nose;Grundi, Oddi, Grindir, Tovi; Koll, Biarki, Hogni the Clever, Rokar the Swart.Now these scorned fellowship with the common soldiers, and had formed themselves into a separate rank apart from the rest of the company.Besides these are numbered Hrani Hildisson and Lyuth Guthi (Hljot Godi), Svein the Topshorn, (Soknarsoti?), Rethyr (Hreidar?) Hawk, and Rolf the Uxorious (Woman-lover).Massed with these were Ring Adilsson and Harald who came from Thotn district.Joined to these were Walstein of Wick, Thorolf the Thick, Thengel the Tall, Hun, Solwe, Birwil the Pale, Borgar and Skumbar (Skum).But from, Tellemark came the bravest of all, who had most courage but least arrogance --Thorleif the Stubborn, Thorkill the Gute (Gothlander), Grettir the Wicked and the Lover of Invasions.Next to these came Hadd the Hard and Rolder (Hroald) Toe-joint.