第54章 [1731-1732](2)
Every one has his peculiar taste, this has ever been mine; being in this particular of a different opinion from Horace.Yet it is not vanity of riches or rank that attracts me; it is a well-preserved complexion, fine hands, elegance of ornaments, an air of delicacy and neatness throughout the whole person: more in taste, in the manner of expressing themselves, a finer or better made gown, a well-turned ankle, small foot, ribbons, lace, and well-dressed hair: I even prefer those who have less natural beauty, provided they are elegantly decorated.I freely confess this preference is very ridiculous; yet my heart gives in to it spite of my understanding.Well, even this advantage presented itself, and it only depended on my own resolution to have seized the opportunity.
How do I love, from time to time, to return to those moments of my youth, which were so charmingly delightful; so short, so scarce, and enjoyed at so cheap a rate!- how fondly do I wish to dwell on them!
Even yet the remembrance of these scenes warms my heart with a chaste rapture, which appears necessary to reanimate my drooping courage, and enable me to sustain the weariness of my latter days.
The appearance of Aurora seemed so delightful one morning that, putting on my clothes, I hastened into the country, to see the rising of the sun.I enjoyed that pleasure in its utmost extent; it was one week after midsummer; the earth was covered with verdure and flowers, the nightingales, whose soft warblings were almost concluded, seemed to vie with each other, and in concert with birds of various kinds to bid adieu to spring, and hail the approach of a beautiful summer's day: one of those lovely days that are no longer to be enjoyed at my age, and which have never been seen on the melancholy soil I now inhabit.
I had rambled insensibly, to a considerable distance the town- the heat augmented- I was walking in the shade along a valley, by the side of a brook, I heard behind me the step of horses, and the voice of some females who, though they seemed embarrassed, did not laugh the less heartily on that account.I turn round, hear myself called by name, and approaching, find two young people of my acquaintance, excellent horsewomen, could not make their horses cross the rivulet.
having been sent from that country for some youthful folly, had imitated Madam de Warrens, at whose house I had sometimes seen her;but not having, like her, a pension, she had been fortunate in this attachment to Mademoiselle Galley, who had prevailed on her mother to engage her young friend as a companion, till she could be otherwise provided for.Mademoiselle Galley was one year younger than her friend, handsomer, more delicate, more ingenious, and, to complete all, extremely well made.They loved each other tenderly, and the good disposition of both could not fail to render their union durable, if some lover did not derange it.They informed me they were going to Toune, an old castle belonging to Madam Galley, and implored my assistance to make their horses cross the stream, not being able to compass it themselves.I would have given each a cut or two with the whip, but they feared I might be kicked, and themselves thrown; Itherefore had recourse to another expedient, I took hold of Mademoiselle Galley's horse and led him through the brook, the water reaching half-way up my legs.The other followed without any difficulty.This done, I would have paid my compliments to the ladies, and walked off like a great booby as I was, but after whispering escape thus; you have got wet in our service, and we ought in conscience to take care and dry you.If you please you must go with us, you are now our prisoner." My heart began to beat- I looked at Mademoiselle Galley- "Yes, yes," added she, laughing at my fearful look, "our prisoner of war; come, get up behind her, we shall give a good account of you." "But, mademoiselle," continued I, "I have not the honor to be acquainted with your mother; what will she say on my Toune, we are alone, we shall return at night, and you shall come back with us."The stroke of electricity has not a more instantaneous effect than trembled with joy, and when it became necessary to clasp her in order to hold myself on, my heart beat so violently that she perceived it, and told me hers beat also from a fear of falling.In my present posture, I might naturally have considered this an invitation to satisfy myself of the truth of her assertion, yet I did not dare, and during the whole way my arms served as a girdle (a very close one.
I must confess), without being a moment displaced.Some women that may read this would be for giving me a box on the ear, and, truly, Ideserved it.
The gayety of the journey, and the chat of these girls, so enlivened me, that during the whole time we passed together we never ceased talking a moment.They had set me so thoroughly at ease, that my tongue spoke as fast as my eyes, though not exactly the same things.
Some minutes, indeed, when I was left alone with either, the conversation became a little embarrassed, but neither of them was absent long enough to allow time for explaining the cause.
Arrived at Toune, and myself well dried, we breakfasted together;after which it was necessary to settle the important business of preparing dinner.The young ladies cooked, kissing from time to time the farmer's children, while the poor scullion looked on grumbling.