At first, both the anonymous opponents observed the laws of propriety.But at length Steele so far forgot himself as to throw an odious imputation on the morals of the chiefs of the administration.Addison replied with severity, but, in our opinion, with less severity than was due to so grave an offence against morality and decorum; nor did he, in his just anger, forget for a moment the laws of good taste and good breeding.One calumny which has been often repeated, and never yet contradicted, it is our duty to expose.It is asserted in the Biogaphia Britannica, that Addison designated Steele as "little Dicky." This assertion was repeated by Johnson who had never seen the Old Whig; and was therefore excusable.It has also been repeated by Miss Aikin, who has seen the Old Whig, and for whom therefore there is less excuse.Now, it is true that the words "little Dicky" occur in the Old Whig, and that Steele's name was Richard.It is equally true that the words "little Isaac " occur in the Duenna, and that Newton's name was Isaac.But we confidently affirm that Addison's "little Dicky" had no more to do with Steele, than Sheridan's "little Isaac" with Newton.If we apply the words "little Dicky" to Steele, we deprive a very lively and ingenious passage, not only of all its wit, but of all its meaning.Little Dicky was the nickname of Henry Norris, an actor of remarkably small stature, but of great humour, who played the usurer Gomez, then a most popular part, in Dryden's Spanish Friar.[We will transcribe the whole paragraph.How it can ever have been misunderstood is unintelligible to us.
"But our author's chief concern is for the poor House of Commons, whom he represents as naked and defenceless, when the Crown, by losing this prerogative, would be less able to protect them against the power of a House of Lords.Who forbears laughing when the Spanish Friar represents little Dicky under the person of Gomez, insulting the Colonel that was able to fright him out of his wits with a single frown? This Gomez, says he, flew upon him like a dragon, got him down, the Devil being strong in him, and gave him bastinado on bastinado, and buffet on buffet, which the poor Colonel, being prostrate, suffered with a most Christian patience.The improbability of the fact never fails to raise mirth in the audience; and one may venture to answer for a British House of Commons, if we may guess, from its conduct hitherto, that it will scarce be either so tame or so weak as our author supposes."]
The merited reproof which Steele had received, though softened by some kind and courteous expressions, galled him bitterly.He replied with little force and great acrimony; but no rejoinder appeared.Addison was fast hastening to his grave; and had, we may well suppose, little disposition to prosecute a quarrel with an old friend.His complaint had terminated in dropsy.He bore up long and manfully.But at length he abandoned all hope, dismissed his physicians, and calmly prepared himself to die.
His works he intrusted to the care of Tickell, and dedicated them a very few days before his death to Craggs, in a letter written with the sweet and graceful eloquence of a Saturday's Spectator.
In this, his last composition, he alluded to his approaching end in words so manly, so cheerful, and so tender, that it is difficult to read them without tears.At the same time he earnestly recommended the interests of Tickell to the care of Craggs.
Within a few hours of the time at which this dedication was written, Addison sent to beg Gay, who was then living by his wits about town, to come to Holland House.Gay went, and was received with great kindness.To his amazement his forgiveness was implored by the dying man.Poor Gay, the most good-natured and simple of mankind, could not imagine what he had to forgive.
There was, however, some wrong, the remembrance of which weighed on Addison's mind, and which he declared himself anxious to repair.He was in a state of extreme exhaustion; and the parting was doubtless a friendly one on both sides.Gay supposed that some plan to serve him had been in agitation at Court, and had been frustrated by Addison's influence.Nor is this improbable.
Gay had paid assiduous court to the royal family.But in the Queen's days he had been the eulogist of Bolingbroke, and was still connected with many Tories.It is not strange that Addison, while heated by conflict, should have thought himself justified in obstructing the preferment of one whom he might regard as a political enemy.Neither is it strange that, when reviewing his whole life, and earnestly scrutinising all his motives, he should think that he had acted an unkind and ungenerous part, in using his power against a distressed man of letters, who was as harmless and as helpless as a child.