How they reached home that night Tupcombe hardly knew.The Squire was in such pain that he was obliged to recline upon his horse,and Tupcombe was afraid every moment lest he would fall into the road.
But they did reach home at last,and Mr.Dornell was instantly assisted to bed.
Next morning it was obvious that he could not possibly go to King's-Hintock for several days at least,and there on the bed he lay,cursing his inability to proceed on an errand so personal and so delicate that no emissary could perform it.What he wished to do was to ascertain from Betty's own lips if her aversion to Reynard was so strong that his presence would be positively distasteful to her.Were that the case,he would have borne her away bodily on the saddle behind him.
But all that was hindered now,and he repeated a hundred times in Tupcombe's hearing,and in that of the nurse and other servants,'Iwish to God something would happen to him!'
This sentiment,reiterated by the Squire as he tossed in the agony induced by the powerful drugs of the day before,entered sharply into the soul of Tupcombe and of all who were attached to the house of Dornell,as distinct from the house of his wife at King's-Hintock.Tupcombe,who was an excitable man,was hardly less disquieted by the thought of Reynard's return than the Squire himself was.As the week drew on,and the afternoon advanced at which Reynard would in all probability be passing near Falls on his way to the Court,the Squire's feelings became acuter,and the responsive Tupcombe could hardly bear to come near him.Having left him in the hands of the doctor,the former went out upon the lawn,for he could hardly breathe in the contagion of excitement caught from the employer who had virtually made him his confidant.He had lived with the Dornells from his boyhood,had been born under the shadow of their walls;his whole life was annexed and welded to the life of the family in a degree which has no counterpart in these latter days.
He was summoned indoors,and learnt that it had been decided to send for Mrs.Dornell:her husband was in great danger.There were two or three who could have acted as messenger,but Dornell wished Tupcombe to go,the reason showing itself when,Tupcombe being ready to start,Squire Dornell summoned him to his chamber and leaned down so that he could whisper in his ear:
'Put Peggy along smart,Tupcombe,and get there before him,you know--before him.This is the day he fixed.He has not passed Falls cross-roads yet.If you can do that you will be able to get Betty to come--d'ye see?--after her mother has started;she'll have a reason for not waiting for him.Bring her by the lower road--he'll go by the upper.Your business is to make 'em miss each other--d'ye see?--but that's a thing I couldn't write down.'
Five minutes after,Tupcombe was astride the horse and on his way--the way he had followed so many times since his master,a florid young countryman,had first gone wooing to King's-Hintock Court.As soon as he had crossed the hills in the immediate neighbourhood of the manor,the road lay over a plain,where it ran in long straight stretches for several miles.In the best of times,when all had been gay in the united houses,that part of the road had seemed tedious.It was gloomy in the extreme now that he pursued it,at night and alone,on such an errand.
He rode and brooded.If the Squire were to die,he,Tupcombe,would be alone in the world and friendless,for he was no favourite with Mrs.Dornell;and to find himself baffled,after all,in what he had set his mind on,would probably kill the Squire.Thinking thus,Tupcombe stopped his horse every now and then,and listened for the coming husband.The time was drawing on to the moment when Reynard might be expected to pass along this very route.He had watched the road well during the afternoon,and had inquired of the tavern-keepers as he came up to each,and he was convinced that the premature descent of the stranger-husband upon his young mistress had not been made by this highway as yet.
Besides the girl's mother,Tupcombe was the only member of the household who suspected Betty's tender feelings towards young Phelipson,so unhappily generated on her return from school;and he could therefore imagine,even better than her fond father,what would be her emotions on the sudden announcement of Reynard's advent that evening at King's-Hintock Court.
So he rode and rode,desponding and hopeful by turns.He felt assured that,unless in the unfortunate event of the almost immediate arrival of her son-in law at his own heels,Mrs.Dornell would not be able to hinder Betty's departure for her father's bedside.
It was about nine o'clock that,having put twenty miles of country behind him,he turned in at the lodge-gate nearest to Ivell and King's-Hintock village,and pursued the long north drive--itself much like a turnpike road--which led thence through the park to the Court.Though there were so many trees in King's-Hintock park,few bordered the carriage roadway;he could see it stretching ahead in the pale night light like an unrolled deal shaving.Presently the irregular frontage of the house came in view,of great extent,but low,except where it rose into the outlines of a broad square tower.
As Tupcombe approached he rode aside upon the grass,to make sure,if possible,that he was the first comer,before letting his presence be known.The Court was dark and sleepy,in no respect as if a bridegroom were about to arrive.
While pausing he distinctly heard the tread of a horse upon the track behind him,and for a moment despaired of arriving in time:
here,surely,was Reynard!Pulling up closer to the densest tree at hand he waited,and found he had retreated nothing too soon,for the second rider avoided the gravel also,and passed quite close to him.
In the profile he recognized young Phelipson.