第25章 CHAPTER III(10)
"I want nothing. And you had better mind me. In regard to affairs with women I may perfectly well be a teacher. You must deal with a woman very plainly--give her a bottle of vodka, something to eat after it, then a couple of bottles of beer and after everything give her twenty kopecks in cash. For this price she will show you all her love in the best way possible.""You are lying," said Foma, softly.
"I am lying? Why shall I lie to you since I have observed that same policy perhaps a hundred times? Just charge me to have dealings with her. Eh? I'll make you acquainted with her in a moment.""Very well," said Foma, feeling that he could hardly breathe and that something was choking his throat.
"Well, then, I'll bring her up in the evening."And Yefim smiled approvingly into Foma's face and walked off.
Until evening Foma walked about as though lost in mist, not noticing the respectful and beseeching glances with which the peasants greeted him at the receiver's instigation. Dread fell on him, he felt himself guilty before somebody, and to all those that addressed him he replied humbly and gently, as though excusing himself for something. Some of the working people went home toward evening, others gathered on the shore near a big, bright bonfire and began cooking their supper. Fragments of their conversation floated about in the stillness of the evening. The reflection of the fire fell on the river in red and yellow stripes, which trembled on the calm water and on the window panes of the cabin where Foma was s itting. He sat in the corner on a lounge, which was covered with oilcloth--and waited. On the table before him were a few bottles of vodka and beer, and plates with bread and dessert. He covered the windows and did not light the lamp; the faint light from the bonfire, penetrating through the curtains, fell on the table, on the bottles and on the wall, and trembled, now growing brighter, now fainter. It was quiet on the steamer and on the barges, only from the shore came indistinct sounds of conversation, and the river was splashing, scarcely audible, against the sides of the steamer. It seemed to Foma that somebody was hiding in the dark near by, listening to him and spying upon him. Now somebody is walking over the gang-plank of the barges with quick and heavy steps--the gang-plank strikes against the water clangously and angrily. Foma hears the muffled laughter of the captain and his lowered voice. Yefim stands by the cabin door and speaks softly, but somewhat reprimandingly, as though instructing.
Foma suddenly felt like crying out:
"It is not necessary!"
And he arose from the lounge--but at this moment the cabin door was opened, the tall form of a woman appeared on the threshold, and, noiselessly closing the door behind her, she said in a low voice:
"0h dear! How dark it is! Is there a living soul somewhere around here?""Yes," answered Foma, softly.
"Well, then, good evening."
And the woman moved forward carefully.
"I'll light the lamp," said Foma in a broken voice, and, sinking on the lounge, he curled himself up in the corner.
"It is good enough this way. When you get used to it you can see everything in the dark as well.""Be seated," said Foma.
"I will."
She sat down on the lounge about two steps away from him. Foma saw the glitter of her eyes, he saw a smile on her full lips. It seemed to him that this smile of hers was not at all like that other smile before--this smile seemed plaintive, sad. This smile encouraged him; he breathed with less difficulty at the sight of these eyes, which, on meeting his own, suddenly glanced down on the floor. But he did not know what to say to this woman and for about two minutes both were silent. It was a heavy, awkward silence.
She began to speak:
"You must be feeling lonesome here all alone?""Yes," answered Foma.
"And do you like our place here?" asked the woman in a low voice.
"It is nice. There are many woods here."
And again they became silent.
"The river, if you like, is more beautiful than the Volga,"uttered Foma, with an effort.
"I was on the Volga."
"In the city of Simbirsk."
"Simbirsk?" repeated Foma like an echo, feeling that he was again unable to say a word.
But she evidently understood with whom she had to deal, and she suddenly asked him in a bold whisper:
"Why don't you treat me to something?"
"Here!" Foma gave a start. "Indeed, how queer I am? Well, then, come up to the table."He bustled about in the dark, pushed the table, took up one bottle, then another, and again returned them to their place, laughing guiltily and confusedly as he did so. She came up close to him and stood by his side, and, smiling, looked at his face and at his trembling hands.
"Are you bashful?" she suddenly whispered.
He felt her breath on his cheek and replied just as softly:
Then she placed her hands on his shoulders and quietly drew him to her breast, saying in a soothing whisper:
"Never mind, don't be bashful, my young, handsome darling. How Ipity you!"
And he felt like crying because of her whisper, his heart was melting in sweet fatigue; pressing his head close to her breast, he clasped her with his hands, mumbling to her some inarticulate words, which were unknown to himself.
"Be gone!" said Foma in a heavy voice, staring at the wall with his eyes wide open.
Having kissed him on the cheek she walked out of the cabin, saying to him:
"Well, good-bye."