To form the mighty spear-head a wondrous work was done;Three weights of iron and better were welden into one;The same three men of Brunhild's scarcely along could bring;Whereat deeply ponder'd the stout Burgundian king.
To himself thus thought he, "What have I not to fear?
The devil himself could scarcely 'scape from such danger clear.
In sooth, if I were only in safety by the Rhine, Long might remain this maiden free from all suit of mine.".
Stanza 464-483.
Then was the strength of Brunhild to each beholder shown.
Into the ring by th' effort of panting knights a stone Was borne of weight enormous, massy and large and round.
It strain'd twelve brawny champions to heave it to the ground.
This would she cast at all times when she had hurl'd the spear;The sight the bold Burgundians fill'd with care and fear.
Quoth Hagan, "she's a darling to lie by Gunther's side.
Better the foul fiend take her to serve him as a bride."Her sleeve back turn'd the maiden, and bar'd her arm of snow, Her heavy shield she handled, and brandished to and fro High o'er her head the jav'lin; thus began the strife.
Bold as they were, the strangers each trembled for his life;And had not then to help him come Siegfried to his side, At once by that grim maiden had good King Gunther died.
Unseen up went he to him, unseen he touch'd his hand.
His trains bewilder'd Gunther was slow to understand.
"Who was it just now touch'd me?" thought he and star'd around To see who could be near him; not a soul he found.
Said th' other, "I am Siegfried, thy trusty friend and true;Be not in fear a moment for all the queen can do."Said he, "off with the buckler and give it me to bear;Now, what I shall advise thee, mark with thy closest care.
Be it thine to make the gestures, and mine the work to do."Glad man was then king Gunther, when he his helpmate knew.
"But all my trains keep secret; thus for us both 'twere best;Else this o'erweening maiden, be sure, will never rest, Till her grudge against thee to full effect she bring.
See where she stands to face thee so sternly in the ring!"With all her strength the jav'lin the forceful maiden threw.
It came upon the buckler massy, broad, and new, That in his hand unshaken, the son of Sieglind bore.
Sparks from the steel came streaming, as if the breeze before.
Right through the groaning buckler the spear tempestuous broke;Fire from the mail-links sparkled beneath the thund'ring stroke, Those two mighty champions stagger'd from side to side;But for the wondrous cloud-cloak both on the spot had died.
From the mouth of Siegfried burst the gushing blood;Soon he again sprung forward; straight snatch'd the hero good The spear that through his buckler she just had hurl'd amain, And sent it at its mistress in thunder back again.
Thought he "'t were sure a pity so fair a maid to slay;"So he revers'd the jav'lin, and turn'd the point away.
Yet, with the butt end foremost, so forceful was the throw, That the sore-smitten damsel totter'd to and fro.
From her mail fire sparkled as driven before the blast;With such huge strength the jav'lin by Sieglind's son was cast, That 'gainst the furious impulse she could no longer stand.
A stroke so sturdy never could come from Gunther's hand.
Up in a trice she started, and straight her silence broke, "Noble knight, Sir Gunther, 'thank thee for the stroke."She thought 't was Gunther's manhood had laid her on the lea;No! It was not he had fell'd her, but a mightier far than he.
Then turn'd aside the maiden; angry was her mood;On high the stone she lifted rugged and round and rude, And brandish'd it with fury, and far before her flung, Then bounded quick behind it, that loud her armour rung.
Twelve fathoms' length or better the mighty mass was thrown, But the maiden bounded further than the stone.
To where the stone was lying Siegfried fleetly flew Gunther did but lift it, th' Unseen it was, who threw.
Bold, tall, and strong was Siegfried, the first all knights among;He threw the stone far further, behind it further sprung.
His wondrous arts had made him so more than mortal strong, That with him as he bounded, he bore the king along.
The leap was seen of all men, there lay as plain the stone, But seen was no one near it, save Gunther all alone.
Brunhild was red with anger, quick came her panting breath;Siegfried has rescued Gunther that day from certain death.
Then all aloud fair Brunhild bespake her courtier band, Seeing in the ring at distance unharm'd her wooer stand, "Hither, my men and kinsmen: low to my better bow;I am no more your mistress; you're Gunther's liegemen now."Down cast the noble warriors their weapons hastily, And lowly kneel'd to Gunther the king of Burgundy.
To him as to their sovran was kingly homage done, Whose manhood, as they fancied, the mighty match had won.
He fair the chiefs saluted bending with gracious look;Then by the hand the maiden her conquering suitor took, And granted him to govern the land with sovran sway;Whereat the warlike nobles were joyous all and gay.
Upon the return to Worms the double marriage feast is celebrated--the weddings of Gunther and Brunhild, of Siegfried and Kriemhild.A second time is Gunther compelled to ask the help of Siegfried in conquering Brunhild, who again thinks that Gunther is the conqueror.From this second struggle Siegfried carries away Brunhild's ring and girdle, which he gives to Kriemhild.Siegfried and Kriemhild depart to his country, and not until after ten years do they visit again the court of Gunther.At the festival given in honor of this visit, the two queens, looking on at the knightly games, fall into a bitter quarrel concerning the prowess of their husbands.Kriemhild boasts to Brunhild that it was Siegfried and not Gunther who overcame her in both struggles.To prove her taunt she shows the girdle and ring.Brunhild is thrown into violent anger by the insult and desires only vengeance upon Siegfried and Kriemhild.